Shadow-banned By God

 Greetings in the Lord~

As some of you may recall, I spent 2019 researching and lecturing on electronic data technology of the internet / Silicon Valley "big tech" industry and its uses and possibilities in the future to change societies, starting with its primary use as a tool for surveillance and societal control.  Thus, I began my examination in China with their Social Credit System--a system of allocating scores to the general populace by factoring together their financial as well as sociopolitical behaviors.  So, in addition to the regular use of censorship and surveillance by the CCP, by assigning these scores, an individual would either be allowed or forbidden from certain daily activities, such as, the ability to travel, choice of education and jobs, cost of commercial goods, opportunities for discounts and the ability to get financial loans, bank accounts, credit cards, etc.  Additionally, having a low social credit score not only restricts a person's access to things, but also may hinder dating options, prevent most electronic currency transactions and incriminate everyone in your contact list and associations just by knowing you.  Lastly, a low score will bring upon yourself public humiliation and shame as your name and identifying information can be broadcast and available for all to see.  In essence, it is an antichrist economic system as foretold in the book of Revelation.  So far, we are in the early stages of that electronic system here in the United States and most modern places in the world.

However, the other focus of my lecture series was to provide prophetic insight into the trouble that was on the horizon for the U.S. and other "free" nations of the world, in that, not only would free speech be threatened, but free and fair elections, expression of religion (specifically Christianity), and access to truthful news and data.  For example, anything that is contrary to the viewpoints of the CCP is censored and called "misinformation," though it may be completely true and factually correct.  Currently, this is also happening in the U.S. at an alarming rate, and we've seen no bigger manipulation in the election process than what just took place in the 2020 elections--it was a complete sham and fraud.  Nobody in their right mind believes it was fair, including the Lord.  

Before the elections, the Lord gave me words and visions of evil people plotting schemes and of widespread complicity to evil deeds because "they no longer know how to live rightly."  And although I did not hear this from the Holy Spirit, I do wonder if Thanksgiving was cancelled by God this year because He didn't want to hear millions of liars and godless people giving thanks around a turkey for Biden's supposed win when everyone knows it was a farce.  That's what I'd do.  Put a mask on their mouths to shut them up and keep them at home alone while the righteous gather together and petition God for mercy and divine intervention to avenge for the great injustice that has been done in our country...which leads me to my next point of inquiry.

I wonder if the wicked know that while they shadow-ban the upright from telling the truth online, that they are being shadow-banned by God.  They go on doing as they like, thinking all is well, but Scripture tells us the Lord does not hear the prayers and petitions of the wicked and arrogant.  He will not respond to them on the day of their coming disaster, nor will He move on their behalves when they cry out for help.  Many were the sick and afflicted in Israel in Jesus' day, but He did not heal them all.  Only honest repentance and true faith in Jesus got His attention.  In fact, you can go to an Islamic cleric or shaman once or twice for demonic deliverance but unless you commit your life to Jesus, those demons will return in greater numbers and your final condition will be worse than at the start.  

Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God."  They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!...Will those who do evil never learn?  They eat up My people like bread and wouldn't think of praying to the Lord.  Terror will grip them, for God is with those who obey Him.  The wicked frustrate the plans of the oppressed, but the Lord will protect His people.  Who will rescue Israel?  When the Lord restores His people, Jacob will shout with joy, and Israel will rejoice.  Psalm 14

So today I pray for all those who contributed to the fraud election, for those who continue to obstruct truth and freedom of speech online, and those in both local and federal government who have have been taken captive by antichrist mindsets and belief systems---may God bring you to a place of true heart repentance and bless you even as you turn to Him for salvation and deliverance.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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