The Watery Depths Will Not Give Up Its Prey

Greetings in the Lord~

The other day I had a dream that sheds a lot of light on what is going on in the spirit realm for the United States, for those in like major decision-making positions at the federal, state and local levels of government, and I discern it could also include those of other industries like media and Big Tech as well--all who had a hand in the fraud election this year and its suppression of truth.  Now I know, that the election seems done and over with, but I can tell you that God is not done with His plans and purposes yet.  In fact, many things just had to play out so the whole world could see true heart motives and know who is on whose side, so to speak.  And, like the saying goes---'give them enough rope to hang themselves with.'  You see, God uses people's obstinate unrepentance and rebellious actions as a weapon against themselves.  The Lord lets the devil overplay his hand, then, He lays the "Trump" card!  Gotta love that, but sometimes it's hard to wait for it to happen.

Anyway, I dreamed of a glass bubble, like an underwater vessel of some sort, that was slowly maneuvering deep underwater.  In fact, it was so deep that it was freezing down there and there was little to no light.  Of course, those images mean that it was the demonic realm, and the people within this craft were partnering with it, although they felt safe and secure within their glass vessel.  They enjoyed carrying out the schemes and plans of the enemy unawares and did not feel threatened by being so far out of their element, so far under the water that they stood no chance of survival if things were to go wrong...  

Well, that's where God comes in.  You see, the Lord knows everything and why we do the things we do.  He created us, after all.  And why He allows some people to get away with things for a long time is beyond me.  And why does God allow the foundations of law and order to be shaken so much in the natural?  Where evil people eat the righteous for lunch while plotting to take their land, money, and family members from them and anything else their covetous hearts desire?  Truly, we are seeing and reading about intense wickedness being done in these industries, and for what---money and power? stuff you cannot take with you after you pass from this world.  This is why we pray for our enemies--this is their current path---their eternal destiny.  Hell awaits them with open arms, only to torment them forever.  But I digress.

Anyway, I saw a lady who looked like Ms. Pelosi, walking about smugly in this marine craft overseeing things.  This was her craft and she felt very at home here.  Then, she saw a man hitting golf balls (LOL) against the glass shell, trying to crack it open.  Already, there was a huge crack forming from the impact of his shots and she realized that he had been doing this for quite some time.  She was horrified!  "Stop it! Stop it! What the hell are you doing?" she shrieked.  The man just smiled and continued on.  In a panic, she ran around trying to get others to help her stop him, but she knew the damage had been done---this craft was in serious trouble.  Her next thought was to go back up to surface immediately.  But while she was running to and fro, she looked up and saw a man whose head was impaled into a previous crack/hole in the glass vessel!  He had "taken one for the team" and they plugged that hole with his head.  She hardly cared about him, but saw that water had been seeping in around his head and had frozen all around him like a stalactite forming from the damaged area.  It made her realize that she had been down there a long time.  On the impaled man's face was a look of horror--he had not actually volunteered for this 'duty.' But it stirred up no compassion or regret in her heart; instead she took it as an indictment that she had become a remorseless monster.  She just needed the land and fresh air and sunshine again, she reasoned.  Then everything will be OK...not!

But I pray continually against the wicked and their deeds.

When their leaders are thrown down from a cliff, the wicked will listen to my words and find them true.  Like rocks brought up by a plow, the bones of the wicked will lie scattered at the mouth of Sheol.  Let the wicked fall into their own nets, but let me escape.  Psalm 141:5-7, 10.

There are exciting things on the horizon for those who love justice and revere God Almighty, who loves justice even more than we do!  We can put our hope in the Lord, who will not let evil people have their way forever.  For we know, that the wicked have become exceedingly prideful because they have not been held to account for their evil deeds, but a day will come for them to reap what they have sown.  But more than that, the world will see the just hand of God and rejoice!  Spiritual revival is nearing our gates--praise God who saves and protects His people!  It is time for the glory of the Lord to reveal itself to the whole world in amazing ways.  Many will come to know the goodness of God and worship and praise Him for His unfailing love.  God is good, all the time.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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