Unshakable Lord, Have Your Way
Greetings in the Lord~
Today in prayer the Lord put on my heart that it would be a little while before I get a word for 2021, but He did show me a vision of a large scale. So it appears that things are hanging in a balance, and we know politically speaking for the U.S., things are hanging in a balance (even though Biden supporters have jumped the gun to declare him president). Nothing official is slated to happen until January 6th, when electoral votes are to be counted by Vice President Pence, and realistically, it may not even be decided that day because we know already there will be objections to the current electoral votes from contested states because of rampant fraud in their elections. As a result of planned objections, alternate electoral votes have already been submitted, which means that Congress will have to break separately for 2 hours to discuss their objections and decide on which set of electoral votes will be counted. Constitutionally, if there is no agreement, then the House of Representatives will vote to decide the next president--with each state getting one vote each and Pence the deciding vote if there is a tie. Whew! That will be a wild ride if all that happens, and yes, I would say to prepare for a wild ride indeed. I've said many times that things are going to get bumpy, but for several reasons, and that takes me back to the vision of the scale.
Did you know that when you think you've gotten away with something, you most surely haven't? -- when it comes to the Lord. He knows all; He weighs our heart, our motives, and our actions and He does issue judgments accordingly.
Amos 6 talks about unjust, greedy and unscrupulous leaders laying around and enjoying the best of the land while they care nothing for the demise of their nation -- and even their part in that demise. "And you brag about your conquest of Lo-debar. You boast, 'Didn't we take Karnaim by our own strength?'" Amos 6:13 It is the same as those who helped to steal the election bragging about it: "Print fake ballots, use rigged voting machines, pay off local election officials and presto! Get your guy into office!" But at what cost? The loss of voter confidence and trust in fair and free elections destroys the very fabric of a democracy.
"But that's how foolish you are when you turn justice into poison and the sweet fruit of righteousness into bitterness." Amos 6:12
These idiots think they can just lie, cheat and steal and get away with it, but that's not so. To lose a country's trust, to trample honesty and integrity is no small thing. I've already published prophetic words about specific judgments being meted out, but in general, to be complicit in all of this adds your name to the list. Funny part is, sometimes people don't even recognize when they're living under judgments! They just go on complaining, spewing negativity while their lives get more and more difficult. That is what Isaiah 8-10 is referring to: people living in great darkness. Some people will see a great light, accept it, and be filled with that light, and others will not see or accept it and continue to stumble along in darkness. That's what it is like to live in a country where truth and justice are perverted; where those who have the means and power to take advantage of people do it because they can. These same places censor free speech, demand bribes for favorable court verdicts -- which are held behind closed doors and away from public scrutiny, and elevate "honor" above truth, fairness or even life itself. To turn justice into poison and righteousness into bitterness acts a curse unto itself, and obviously, these places are under a curse. But the Lord sees and hears the cry of the needy!
Psalm 33 encourages and reminds us that God's word is dependable; He is our Creator, Deliverer, and Lord of all, faithful to bring about all that He has purposed and spoken.
"The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord's plans stand forever; His intentions can never be shaken." Psalm 33:10-11
So it is a reason to rejoice and trust and put your hope in Him. Psalm 33 also tells us that God knows, examines and weighs our hearts; He sees all of our deeds and hears the words we speak. There is no earthly power or strength to match the saving power of the Lord, and those who think they can outwit the Lord are sadly mistaken. When I was living in Syria, the Lord gave me many words of hope and deliverance and victory to people who were suffering from unjust rulings and perverted cultural expectations; they suffered under those who lorded power over them, but the promise of the Lord is sure! It is like silver refined seven times -- take it to the bank! It was amazing how often the Lord miraculously intervened in these people's affairs, righting wrongs and raising up righteous decrees in the midst of lies, evil and wicked cruelty. Their oppressors would slink away defeated and shamed, not repentant, but disgraced nonetheless. So I can testify that when the Lord has decreed justice, He is well able to bring it to pass, no matter where in the world and no matter who is doing the oppressing. The Lord's plans and purposes do stand forever and cannot be shaken.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.