Confession is Good for the Soul

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Jeremiah 11, which carries a pretty powerful and poignant punch to the gut of those who love and know the Lord, for it is a message of, "This is the last straw."  

Jeremiah was told to preach to the people of Israel and Judah:

"Remind the people of Judah and Jerusalem about the terms of My covenant with them.  Say to them, 'This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: Cursed is anyone who does not obey the terms of My covenant!  For I said to your ancestors when I brought them out of the iron-smelting furnace of Egypt, "If you obey Me and do whatever I command you, then you will be My people, and I will be your God."  I said this so I could keep My promise to your ancestors to give you a land flowing with milk and honey---the land you live in today."  Jeremiah 11:2-5

However, the majority of the people of Israel and Judah at that time were not faithful to God, for they worshiped Baal and other false gods and had many idols, and they lived immoral lives, lying, cheating, and taking advantage of each other whenever and however they wanted.  Their values and behavior was the same as any pagan nation surrounding them, the same nations God threw out to give that good land to Israel as an inheritance.  Now they were in jeopardy of losing their inheritance and blessings because they were not keeping the covenant God made with them.  It was a hard message for Jeremiah to give and for his listeners to hear.  In fact, people wanted to kill Jeremiah for his words, and the rest were complaining and rejecting him fiercely.  We are living in a time very similar, and yes, we, too, are in jeopardy of losing what God has blessed us with.  The fraud in this election was the last straw.  

As I prayed about this realization, I began to have a vision of President Donald Trump giving a speech.  I cannot say that he will say these things tonight in Georgia, but rather, it seemed like a message the Holy Spirit wanted to express, describing to me the seriousness of our country's situation, similar to the above scriptural reference.  In my vision, I heard President Trump talk about the seriousness of the fraud in the election and say things like:

"There is so much evidence of election fraud, every day it mounts up higher and higher.  Their schemes are unraveling right before our eyes!  But it is not enough to have witnesses and whistle blowers, we need those responsible for their part in the fraud to confess their wrongdoing.  We know millions of dollars were poured into state and city elections illegally, and its not hard to subpoena bank records to see where that money went.  And we know that money makes good people do bad things, and lots of people did bad things during this election.  Confess it!  Tell us what you did, and who told you to do it---it's going to come out anyway!  Confession is good for the soul, for the soul of our country.  We have to rebuild the loss of trust and integrity that the fraud in the election did to our country, and only the truth can do that.  Only the truth can heal this country.  Only the truth can rebuild trust; only the truth can unite us to move forward as the America were are meant to be!..."  

As I listened to his speech, it dawned on me that he was preaching like Jeremiah, although in secular vernacular, a message of repentance and returning to the right way of doing things like God requires of us.  And in that same secular language, he was referencing 2 Chronicles 7:14:

"...If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."  

Wow!  So powerful!  Georgia Republicans may be banking on those two coveted seats in the Senate in the upcoming election to save this country, but this speech goes way beyond that!  Those seats won't heal our country, but humility, confession, and truth will cause God to do what only He can do.  So today I pray for our President, federal, state, and local officials and judges, and for all those involved in the election process and media, that the Holy Spirit would begin to examine your hearts and stir up those desires for righteousness, integrity, and humility before God and man; and that the Lord would put an uncompromising desire for His truth and justice in their hearts and a willingness in their souls to step out and do the right thing for our country, and before God who repays each person according to what they have done and forgives the sin of the truly repentant.  God is good!  

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  






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