Sword Forged From Refiner's Fire

Greetings in the Lord~

For the past couple of weeks, I've been able to watch and follow along with state Senate hearings and election oversight committees as they listen to witnesses give testimony about the various forms of election fraud they witnessed on Nov. 3rd and afterwards.  It's been quite interesting, to say the least, and even though it seems like not much is taking hold, nothing could be further from the truth in the spirit realm.  For starters, formal hearings and court hearings are important for they are heard also in heaven.  I've said this before and I'll say it again, that people should realize this before they get in there, as the Bible has much to say about corrupt judges, honest vs. lying testifiers, those receiving bribes and the like.  But maybe that is why these hearings are so necessary now, because we've reached a point where people think it is OK to lie, cheat and steal if you hate someone or are pursuing a cause.  In fact, this whole fraud election is revealing people's hearts like nobody's business!  We are sure to continue to see God move in a powerful way in this nation -- because to know His truth also means you will be measured by it.  But before I talk about that, let me share some important visions I've seen this week.

The first was seeing a massive crowd in Washington D.C. for Inauguration Day...for Donald Trump!  Yes, the whole world was watching as he was being sworn in on a cold January day.  As he stood there taking the oath of office, he began to cry -- and the world cried with him.  Then, Mike Pence reached over to hug him and as they embraced, the world cheered!  It was such a beautiful vision.  I do believe that this vision is God's heart for this nation.

The next vision I had was of seeing a rider on a horse galloping fiercely across the land.  He was in a partial army uniform, and as he held his big hat on his head and charged forward he kept yelling, "Save the Alamo!"  Sure enough, a cavalry of men from Texas heard the cry and all of them took off, not looking to the right or the left, but straight ahead they charged into battle to save the "Alamo."  But after seeing them, I saw a map of the U.S. and there were other cavalries charging as well, but they came from different places.  From the south they were yelling, "1776!" and more came from out West -- the Dakotas, and still more from the original colony states as well.  Their destination was Washington DC, and when all the cavalries got there they circled around the White House, shooting their guns in the air to protect it.  Obviously, this happened this week with the lawsuit from Texas and all of the other states and lawmakers who signed on to help support the cause of saving our union from this fraud election, illegitimate president-elect, and ultimately, our democracy and Constitution as we now know it.  A lot is at stake here.

The last vision I had was of a giant document that stretched out from Wisconsin to Washington DC and covered the contested states of WI, MI, and PA.  I prayed for God to breathe on this document, and as I did, it began to glow like a piece of metal in a refiner's fire.  The heat of the fire burned off the impurities and a sword was forged from this glowing metal "document."  The sword too, stretched the length of the document and it pierced the belly of a fat man -- corruption!  When the entrails fell out of this fat belly, it begin a series of smaller battles but that was just the clean up process.  Everything that had been swallowed up by this fat man of corruption had to be given back to its rightful owners eventually.  And so it will be for this country!  Amen and amen.

On another prophetic note, during today's hearing in Wisconsin, there were two testimonies given by people who have been following the 'money trail,' so to speak, of how so many in high places were complicit to the pervasive election fraud and lack of curiosity to investigate allegations made by countless witnesses.  These witnesses told of how Mark Zuckerberg's organization, Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) gave over 350 million dollars to the contested states' county and city election boards to "modernize" their election process.  However, as a requirement of receiving the funds, the city and county officials had to carry out exactly the directions given by the CTCL, or return the money.  Obviously, this whole arrangement is shady at best and only a forensic audit would show how much and into whose pockets money may have gone into, but mainly it is illegal to privatize and control our elections in this way.  Whether or not these actions and what resulted from those actions ever goes to court, you can be sure of one thing: Mark has sealed his fate.  I spent much of 2019 prophesying about Silicon Valley and about how God was going to split up Facebook -- I do believe there is a date on a calendar for such an event to take place.  Let the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

So, while we are just beginning to see, hear and experience some of the strong hand of the Lord fall on this land, we can begin to rejoice that what the Lord has planned for the United States will be fulfilled in its own time and way; that He has a good plan to refine our political processes and major industries like Big Tech and media, back to accountability and some semblances of transparency once again.  Democracy, like liberty and equity, are dependent on truth and justice.  And that leads me back to the point I began with above -- to know God's truth is to be held accountable to it.

We are entering a time of Isaiah 8-10, where though the strong hand of the Lord is heavy upon the land, those that seek Him will see a great Light!  

Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever.  The land of Zebulun and Naphtali will be humbled, but there will be a time in the future when Galilee of the Gentiles, which lies along the road that runs between the Jordan and the sea, will be filled with glory.  The people who walk in darkness will see a great Light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.  You will enlarge the nation of Israel, and its people will rejoice.  They will rejoice before You as people rejoice at the harvest and like warriors dividing the plunder.  For You will break the yoke of their slavery and lift the heavy burden from their shoulders.  You will break the oppressor's rod, just as You did when You destroyed the army of Midian.  Isaiah 9:1-4 

The rest of those chapters goes on to talk about how God establishes a righteous government during this time period from the lineage of David, in the coming of Jesus Christ.  The birth, rebirth, and revival of a nation spiritually and in the natural can only be done through Jesus Christ.  What an amazing time we are living in, huh?

~Be blessed and be a blessing.     


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