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Greetings in the Lord! Well, on the last post I shared the vision I had about God intervening on our behaves on the spread of Ebola in our country, and lo and behold, it seems that we are making progress on stopping the spread of the virus. The nurses and journalist are recovering well, and the family members that were exposed to the virus did not contract it--so a big hallelujah to our God! The Lord really is good to us. Around the same time that I shared the Ebola word and word for Britain First, I also had another dream about Western girls going over to Syria to become jihadi brides. I'm not sure why the Lord keeps showing me the people being recruited to go over there, but He has been for the past five months or so. Anyway, this time I would like to share the dream because the Lord gave a specific word about how He sees the situation and what He has purposed for these recruits. First, I saw several white Western young ladies sitting together...