Come Again Under His Protective Wing

Greetings in the Lord!

From time to time the Lord will put a public person on my heart to pray for them, and on a few occasions He will give an accompanying dream or vision that sheds more light on why I would be praying for them.  I would like to share one such person, one of the few that I've had more than one vision of over the years.

In the 2001-2002 time frame, I recall having a very vivid dream of Vladimir Putin.  In the dream I visited him in his large, dark wood office.  He was distressed about the state of affairs in Russia and what to do about them.  I talked to him at length about his faith in God and encouraged him that God was indeed watching over how he conducted himself, and "if you choose to do what is right, choosing what is just in God's eyes, God will protect and prosper you."  He was so moved by that prophetic promise that he got up from his leather chair and came around his great desk to kneel before me and ask that I pray for him.  I laid my hands on him and prayed God's blessing to be upon him, and he wept quietly, humbled by the assurances from the Lord. 

Well, fast forward to February 10th of 2014.  I was riding the exercise bike when the Lord showed me a vision just as if I was watching TV as I strode along.  In the vision I was dressed up nice, waiting to meet with Mr. Putin.  He had invited me to Russia as his guest for the weekend, but I was told that I would only get about five minutes to actually talk with him, then others would take me around.  I nodded my head politely and continued to wait, watching the people working for him scurry about, acting as if he was a rock star or something.  "Wow, things sure have changed around here," I said to myself. 

When he appeared he was perfectly coiffed in a stylish but casual, night-on-the-town type of suit.  He seemed a bit distracted with all of his weekend plans ahead but soon remembered that he wanted to hear a word of the Lord from me.  With the confidence of a spoiled kid, he prepared his ears to hear yet another blessing of how great he was and asked with a cocky twinkle in his eyes, "So, what does the Lord have to say to me?"  I stood silent for a moment and looked deep into his eyes.

This was not the same man I saw ten plus years ago.  No, he was now hard-hearted, deceitful and conceited, and could be malicious if he felt so inclined.  And more than that, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was not going to like the prophetic word the Lord had put in my spirit for him, so I prayed that God would protect me from his anger.  The word of the Lord for him was completely not what he was expecting---it was about his ex-wife.

"The Lord says, 'Go back to your wife.'"  He immediately got red-faced and protested, "No, she won't want me even if I did." 
"Go back to her, or your adulteries will have severe consequences."  He was angry with me and changed the subject, still wanting to hear the Lord's word about all the plans in his heart, but I stood there silent, almost as if the Lord had frozen me firm like a wall before him.  "Unfortunately, there's not much more to say," I concluded.  He scoffed and left me abruptly, shaking his head.

You know, being faithful to our spouse is more than just the right thing to do, it is also spiritual protection.  We can't always appreciate the severe consequences our sin ushers in when we commit adultery---its a huge door we open to the devil in our lives when we do this.  And considering the devils that found their way through sexual sin to befall past Russian monarchies, I would not want to expose myself to those!  This word from the Lord to Mr. Putin is a word of God's mercy---true divine guidance for a wayward son. 

I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment....."Now then, my sons, listen to Me; pay attention to what I say.  Do not let your heart turn to her ways (the adulteress) or stray onto her paths.  Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng.  Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death."  Proverbs 7:7, 24-27.

Three days after I had this vision, I posted a blog about a nasty female spirit that had arrived in Moscow....  Father God, I pray in the name of your Son Jesus Christ that you protect Your people, convict hearts of sin so that they would return to You, to live under Your protection and to be guided by Your wisdom once again.  I pray all this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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