Filling-in the Tunnels

Greetings in the Lord!

Quite often when we see things happening in the natural, we forget that many times there are catalysts or influencing factors in the spirit realm first, then it manifested in the natural.  Knowing that is quite helpful, actually, as when I see something in the spirit realm I can pray accordingly to either help thwart or bring to fruition what I see happening in the spirit.  For example, there have been many times when I have entered a school or public building and felt a negative spirit there, maybe even death, and prayed against it so it could not manifest in the natural.  Praise God that He allows us to pray to Him for all things!

That brings me to my dream I had this morning.  I saw an extensive "railway" system being built underground.  There were many local tracks being laid with a long distance track already in use.  The workers were dressed in all black cloaks, so I knew they were trying to build these lines covertly, to transport something for no good purposes.  I kept hearing in my spirit, "in-roads", like these were trying to distribute something unknowingly.

When I awoke I discerned that this dream was referencing the Ebola outbreak currently happening in our country.  The long track went overseas, but the local tracks were trying to distribute this infection all around cities.  So I prayed in Jesus' name that the tracks be completely dismantled and all the tunnels be filled in entirely.  As I prayed that I saw a huge shovel blade come down from heaven and slice through the ground!  It began crushing and filling with dirt the tunnels that had been made and uprooting the tracks that had been laid--praise God!  What is the practical course of action along with praying?  That our government would review their detection and quarantine procedures, especially in airports and hospitals, for starters, to completely seal off people who have been around Ebola in any way.  Next, if any of the kids develop Ebola, their school should be evacuated for three weeks.  Prayer, plus practical action can stop in-roads to new cases of exposure.  

So, join me in praying this prayer:
In the name of Jesus we completely dismantle, fill in and close off every tunnel and "in-road" of the Ebola virus, including the international line currently in use and call forth a complete stoppage of the spread of this virus, in Jesus' name.  We ask that God's protection would cover every transportation line, whether by train, bus, airplane or whatever, and that this virus would have no where to go to and could not come near to infect another person in Jesus' name.  We ask for strategies to contain and eradicate the virus that is currently causing infection and that every "in-road" would be cut off entirely, and the virus would shrivel up and die in Jesus' name.  We place a bloodline of Jesus Christ around every airport, school, hospital, business, and our entire country so that the Ebola virus/curse could not trespass.  We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen. 
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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