Urgent Prayer Request

Greetings in the Lord!

It's not very often, in fact, I can't think of another time when the Lord has put a call to intercede so urgently upon my heart as now.  I would ask all prayer warriors to pray from today (September 9th) until Rosh Hashanah (September 25th) these Psalms daily.  Just read them straight through:

Psalm 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 16 (and others you feel led to read)

You might notice that these psalms have a particular theme--calling upon God to protect His people, but in a very specific way: by returning upon their own heads the curses and ungodly prayers being spoken against us.  Yes, it's true.  One thing the American media is not informing us about the ISIS aggression is the spiritual side of it--they are praying 5 times a day curses upon our nation, our soldiers, our government, our news journalists/reporters, and anyone that dares to post online condemning the rise of ISIS.  The ISIS supporter who posted two grisly photos of a dead American soldier and a photo-shop one of a US soldier committing suicide.  He listed the three curses they pray in their Islamic witchcraft for our soldiers: homelessness, suicide, and death in battle. And unless you've been living under a rock, you know that our military guys are suffering these things in alarming rates.  This is some serious stuff, Church.  Where are we in our prayer campaign? We should be flooding the throne room of heaven with these and other Psalms of King David, radical blessings over us, our nation, and our military.  It is beyond time for the Church to move out to the front lines of faith.  If God be for us, who can be against us?  God Almighty is Sovereign over all other gods.

So, I'm strongly encouraging all prayer warriors to take an extra half hour a day and read through these Psalms on behalf of God's people--it's time to pray!  Apply your faith in these Psalm prayers and call on God to spread His garment over us in this hour.  I thank God who gives us specific strategies to defeat our enemies---may our enemies know that it was by His hand that we were saved; turn them back at the gates and cover their faces with shame, O Lord, that all men may come to know Your name!  Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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