Pray for Godly Counsel

Greetings in the Lord!

A couple days ago while in prayer I saw a vision of a very large tree.  I was reminded of Daniel 2, the passage on Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a large tree.  He was that tree, and he saw that while the massive tree was great and provided shelter and fruit for all who came to it, the Lord cut that tree down because of his pride.

In my vision, the tree was not cut down, but rather, had a huge hole in it where upon a large owl sat.  The hole was deep into the tree, near to where the trunk began to divide into giant branches.  I wondered about that hole, how did it get so deep?  Was it killing the tree?  The owl was near hidden in that dark hole and it did not seem to be a good thing--it was an unclean bird, a counterfeit of true wisdom.  I discerned that the tree was the United States and that the owl represented ungodly, conventional wisdom that was guiding and hiding in the tree.

The passages the Lord gave me was from Malachi 4:1-2 and Jeremiah 13.
"Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace.  All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire," says the Lord Almighty.  "Not a root or a branch will be left to them.  But for you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.  And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall."

Jeremiah 13 focuses mostly on three things: 1) the pride and idolatry of the people, 2) chaos and infighting will erupt in the government as no one will provide clear or successful answers to problems, 3) and, the land will be overrun by its enemies because of the godlessness and corruption of arrogant leaders.

These are harsh words for our government, and as people of God, we should pray for them to seek the Lord's counsel for their decision-making and policies.  We know that more and more Americans are trusting in their own devices instead of relying or calling upon the Lord; we are in desperate need of godly leadership.  In my class this week we are studying Theodore Roosevelt and some of his Progressive policies.  I was surprised to see just how many of his quotes we still use in this day and age!  Truly, a righteous man will not be forgotten. 
Unfortunately, many of the words the Lord gives me about our current government is not complementary to them; the Lord cites their greed, godlessness, and arrogance as reasons why.  They are more concerned with padding their own pockets, pushing their own agendas, and consolidating power in their grips, and less on caring for the good of our country and its people.  They work day and night to prevent our enemies from attacking us, but fail to realize that its their own corruption that has opened the door to this.  The Lord blesses a righteous man, even his enemies will live in peace with when trouble comes to your land?  Then we must re-examine our ways and get back on track with God.  If there's one thing I've seen all around the world, that when a government gets off track with God, the whole country goes in a bad direction.  So, as people of God we can stand in the gap and pray that the Lord would raise up godly leadership to help counsel our government. 
~Be blessed and be a blessing.                


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