Cloud by Day, Fire by Night

Greetings in the Lord!

How many people know what it is to try and help someone that really isn't sold on their freedom yet?  You know, they complain all day long and you can clearly see their oppression, but  ultimately, when you try to help them they resist you; they get stubborn and shift their complaining from against their captors to you!  Some thanks, huh?

Well, today's word comes from Exodus 17 and it is basically about this topic:  Moses being sent to deliver the Israelites from their cruel bondage only to have them turn on him in the desert when they become thirsty.  Kind of reminds me of when I was in Russia.  For years the people suffered under the oppression of Communism, yet, now that they've been living in "freedom" from that they reminisce about the "security" and "prestige" of the old Communist days.  They would tell me, "At least under Communism you had a job and would get a salary--we aren't guaranteed of anything now!"  Yeah, it's true; to live under freedom requires faith in God to provide and obedience to live according to His ways.  If there is not the faith to do that, then yes, 'predictable' bondage does seem like a better alternative to 'unpredictable' freedom. 

Such was the mentality of the Israelites as well.  They longed for the "security" of the known, even as harsh as it was, to this new, unknown freedom of following God in faith.  Trusting God can be the hardest challenge for an intelligent, logical, strong, and talented person---it goes against our human nature for independence and self-sufficiency.  Yet, the time in the desert was to break them of this spirit and to re-teach them to live according to God's nature, which would bring blessings and every good gift God has in store for the faithful.  That is where the American Church is at.... 

Just like Moses, God is raising up 'unknowns' from the backside of the desert to deal with this unruly lot, to deliver them from false mindsets long ingrained by living under the protection and prosperity of His blessings.  Understand what I'm saying, for the American Church, especially within the evangelical community, God is raising up 'unknowns' to preach words that are meant to deliver from false, works-oriented mindsets that glorify man instead of God.  These 'works' mentalities glorify famous speakers and leaders over Holy Spirit-filled teachers, are addicted to prosperity, ease, and 'encouragement' messages even as they shrink back and attack messages of holiness and repentance; and is full of spiritual pride that elevates personal theology over the Word of God and revelatory, anointed teaching.  And just like it was with Moses, these mentalities will fight against messages that contradict what they have long believed, even against God Himself.  But God, in His mercy, tells Moses to strike the rock and the Lord provides fresh water for them to drink.  Likewise, expect God to show off mightily at the preaching of His 'unknowns', the ones called like Moses was, who will contend with these arrogant mentalities to usher in their freedom by providing His water, the truth God wants them to understand.   

Continuing on in the Exodus passage, we see that the Israelites cannot sit back and relax with their cool water.  No, they are attacked by the Amalekites for no reason, and it takes the intercession of Moses, supported by Aaron and Hur, along with Joshua leading the fight against the Amalekites, for the Lord to bring victory to the Israelites.  Similarly, expect that Amalekites will come to attack and it will take the combined efforts of "Moses, Aaron, and Hur" and the "Joshua's" to defeat these Amalekites---the older and younger generations coming together in steadfast unity. 

I've written about these spiritual "Amalekites" before, but basically they are people motivated by hate and jealousy, whose agenda is to stop the move of God from happening while it is still in its infancy---like Herod.  They are cowardly in nature who attempt to attack soft targets first, the weakest, when they are at their most defenseless.  But never fear---those who will stand side by side in prayer and remain committed to the fight no matter how long it takes will see victory in the Lord! 

I remember prophesying in 2004-2006 about the shakings that would soon come to the United States, shakings that would have a direct effect within the Church (especially towards the 'prosperity' messages), and I'm prophesying again, we are in store for another major shaking of theology.  There are not "many paths to God", as so many American Christians like to believe to avoid debates, and there is no such thing as "white" magic or "harmless" sorcery.  This next shaking will be directly related to our understanding of: Who is God?  and Who is Jesus? and of our beliefs as related to the Word of God

I've already prophesied that major evil propaganda is on the way regarding "religious tolerance," but it comes as a disguise to implement religious intolerance at the expense of Christianity.  Know that, this religious deception and sorcery and competition of false gods against God Almighty was at the heart of the bondage found in ancient Egypt.  So, my fellow brethren in Christ, join hand in hand in prayer and fellowship as we begin the next great shaking together.  It would be wise to read 1 John 3-5 and study it, as it will prove most useful in this coming time as we follow the "cloud by day and fire by night" in victory, as we sing praises to our Savior, God's own Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen and amen!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.                                 


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