Blessing in Unity, Blessed are the Peacemakers

Greetings in the Lord!

It has been a very eventful summer for me, and busy, too.  I will start by giving some of the key points that must be acted upon and intensely prayed through by the Body of Christ.

It began in mid-May, when I released the word about fire brands coming from Western Europe and central and western Africa to the United States.  Little fires of hate-oriented violence did begin to pop up all along our coasts and some in the interior of the US.  The firebrands I saw were fires of hatred being prayed upon our nation by our enemies who want to see our downfall.  5 times a day they pray for violence, destruction, disunity, and collapse of our land. 

Those who are sensitive to the Spirit have probably been feeling these attacks but maybe not discerning exactly the who, what, where and when of them.  Praying curses upon one's enemies are a very big part of war for many nations, especially for those who follow Islam.  And unless you've been living under a rock these days, you have seen a dramatic rise of this extremism, but maybe unaware of the seriousness of what is unfolding.  What they are invoking is beyond regular demons, it is the spirit/s of antichrist itself.  It is important to know that these demons are the ones found in and partnering with anti-Semitic mindsets, racial hatred, anti-authority/governmental violence, and sorcery and witchcraft.  Therefore, it does not surprise me that their firebrands of curses have been igniting like-minded individuals in this country to act out in increasing measure this year.  Also, from the vision I saw in May, those isolated fires clumped together into bigger fires; I believe much of what we see happening in St. Louis is related to this.

Truth be told, I have lived and gone to school in Ferguson area and I can testify truthfully that there is a lot of hatred in that area--blacks hating whites, mostly.  Elsewhere throughout St. Louis the hatred is reversed, whites hating blacks, but these dynamics depend on the neighborhood and demographic make-up.  But at the end of the day the lesson to be learned here is that the hatred in people's hearts is like dry tinder and it only takes a spark to get it raging.  As Christians this is important to realize because we are to be peacemakers and full of living waters to douse these flames, not take sides or rationalize the conflict!  Please keep in mind that some of the curses being prayed on this nation is for division and violence, so we must begin to pray for godly unity (a blessing in that) and peace.  As we walk in His truth, we can then ask God to return upon their own heads those curses that have been uttered against us and for the current fires to be put out completely.

Is it Biblical to pray this way?  Absolutely!  We are not to avenge ourselves against our enemies, but rather, ask God to intervene on our behalves.  When it comes to curses being prayed against God's people, begin to remind God of His promise to Abraham: O Lord, You said, 'Those that bless you will be blessed and those that curse you will be cursed.'  Elsewhere in the Psalms we read:

He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made.  The trouble he causes recoils on himself; his violence comes down on his own head. Psalms 7:15-16.

The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden.  The Lord is known by His justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. Ps 9:15-16

These are just two examples but I strongly suggest that you begin to do your own study of how David, Nehemiah, and countless others prayed to have the plans and curses of the wicked be thwarted and turned back upon those uttering the curses.  We are at a distinct disadvantage here in the war that is raging against our nation because we do not understand this spiritual type of warfare, alas, many do not even believe it is real!  But I tell you that no nation fell in the natural before it first fell in the spirit realm.  Fellow believers, as a watch person on the wall, I not only have been blowing the horn sounding the alarm and calling Christians to action, but am providing you with concrete God- ordained strategies to defeat our enemies and usher in restoration to our nation.

If you love our nation, call on the One true God to intervene on our behalves while He may be found.  One thing I have said so many times on my blog is that trouble is coming to the US, there will be no thwarting that, but we who know and love our God will pass through the fires and not get burned; when the floods rise we will not drown in our enemies' attacks but come out on the other side.  We must begin to link arms with all people, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, everyone! and travail for our country.  Do not get distracted or caught up in the diversions meant to divide and weak our nation's unity and common values, but pray and go the extra mile to reach out now in unity. 

Father God, I thank and praise You that You always hear the cry of the upright when they cry out to You; we repent of the sins of our nation and of our forefathers, Lord, and ask that you have mercy on us, for we are just a breath.  O Lord, protect us from our enemies, for we take refuge in You.  The trouble their lips have caused return upon their own skulls, O Lord, for the nations that do not acknowledge or revere Your Name.  Jesus, it is the will of the Father that you would lose none of all those He has given you.  Thank You for redeeming us from the hands of our enemies.  In Your Blessed name we pray, Amen.   

~Be blessed and be a blessing.       


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