Bind Up the Testimony

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Isaiah 8.  In a nutshell, it talks about the Lord using the great and terrible Assyrian army to overtake Aram and the confederacies of Syria, and Ephraim (the northern kingdom of Israel at that time.)  In fact, the sweep will be so fast that the prophet Isaiah is to name his son, "Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz," which means 'quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil.'  In verses 6-7 the Lord gives us a reason why this happens so quickly:

"Because this people has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah and rejoices of Rezin and the son of Remaliah, therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty flood waters of the River--the king of Assyria with all his pomp."  What does this passage mean?  Basically, it was saying that within the northern part of Israel and surrounding areas there were many people that were siding with their enemies, even endorsing the cruel and vicious campaign of the River (people of Euphrates) against the land.  Even though they benefit from living in these countries and have the opportunity to trust in the quiet waters of God, they choose to be enamored with the loud boasting and violence of their enemies.  Their hearts are against their own leadership and love to run it down because they are more impressed with the perceived "strength" of their enemies...even though the Lord promises to level Assyria in the way they are doing now.  To spoil means you will be spoiled.  But for now, betrayers have chosen to desert their own country in their hearts, and for this sin the Lord will allow Assyria to come and take them captive.  We know that is the same situation in many countries today, where a portion of populations are siding with the enemies of their State, but to their own peril.  "Assyria" exists as a cleansing agent, like a brush fire to clear the land of wicked thorns.  Ultimately, to partner with them is to succumb to their violence and reap the sword they cherish.  "Assyria" burns brightly now as dry sticks keep being added to the brush fire, but as with all brush fires, if no more dry sticks are added, it will burn out.  It will completely consume itself leaving nothing but a charred mess.      

In verses 9 through the rest of the chapter, the Lord tells us that those who chose to trust in the Lord will be comforted and their hearts will remain at peace.  They are not to listen and give into the fear rhetoric that their enemies are using to weaken them and draw more supporters; instead, they are to fear the Lord and revere His words of wisdom.  They will prosper when the waters rise, while the doubters and betrayers will be swept away.  Either the Lord will be the cornerstone of a person's life, or He will be "a stone that causes men to stumble."  It is an important time to not only believe in the Lord's words, but to "bind up the testimony and seal up the law" in our hearts.  Treasure His words and do not be moved with false and intimidating reports.  The Lord will use His people as signs and symbols of His strength and enduring Sovereignty in the midst of terrible trials.

The last verses, 18-22, are an admonishment to all people not to seek the counsel of spiritualists or mediums to inquire of the future--God is our refuge and strength.  He alone knows our future and tells us that to consult with demons is a sure way to become even more despaired, lost, and confused.  You will have no peace with the misleading "future" you are told by deceivers.  Trust in God and when the waters rise, you will be comforted with His presence and not swept away.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


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