When the Waters Rise, I'll Be With You

Greetings in the Lord!

"All this I have told you so that you will not go astray...in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.  They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me." John 16:1-3

I remember a few years ago being sent to Germany to give a number of prophetic words to people and to decree that the "Mystery of Persecution" was coming to the German Church.  In essence, God chooses whom He will to suffer for His namesake, but the reward of growing deeper and closer to Jesus is worth it!  Likewise, last March I went to Holland and France and also decreed that the Lord's presence was going to come upon His people there and they would grow stronger in the Lord and hot with His words in their bellies.  The Lord also showed me their many foes in the spirit realm--I had never seen European cities so dark!  If you are not aware of the current struggles going on in Europe regarding Islamic extremism these days I would invite you to watch a few news clips readily available on YouTube.  I believe it would surprise many Americans and hopefully open their eyes!

Along these lines, I want to share with you now some of the key prophetic words and visions the Lord showed me this summer.  In May I shared the vision I had with the United States coming under fire from fiery darts, which eventually clumped into larger flames within regions.  These "fires" were hate-filled prayers and curses from our enemies that came upon us and began to ignite those who were/are full of hate themselves.

Then, on June 21 I saw the United States' eastern and western borders give way to the ocean; the natural land boundaries were submerged all the way into the middle of the US, just like at high tide.
The word the Lord gave me was this: "'The seas have lifted up their voices against the "Great Prostitute.'  They will come to lift her skirt and expose her lewdness.  She will be shamed for her many adulteries."  

I asked the Lord, "But what about the people of God, Lord?"
He said, "They, too, will be sifted and refined.  'They are haughty, walking along with outstretched necks, flirting with their eyes, tripping along with mincing steps, with ornaments jingling on their ankles....'"  Isaiah 3:16, 24

On July 7th, while at International House of Prayer (IHOP-KC) for the fasting and praying for America, the Lord gave another word for the United States:
 "You will not avert disaster, but will have the opportunity to be My witnesses to the ends of the earth.  As faith without works is nothing, it is time to show goodness to all the people, for I have chosen you, My people, to suffer for My namesake.  You will shine in the day of disaster, fear not, for I AM with you.  I'll give you strategies, ask of Me and I'll provide.  When the waters rise, I'll be with you."

After that I saw another vision of the map of the United States and Canada; all the churches connected together (across denominations) and created a network, like a giant web covering all of America and up into Canada.  They gathered and partnered together to "catch" people, to help sustain them and provide encouragement, food, shelter, whatever was needed.  Then the Lord extended His giant hand down to us, and the heart cry of the American Church was, "Take our hands, precious Lord, and lead us."

On July 28th, during my prayer time the Lord showed me a vision of dark-haired men speeding  quickly in a boat across the oceans to the United States.  I discerned that Islamic extremists were going to cross our borders from Mexico and Canada as well.  The Lord simply said, "Trouble is on the horizon."  I noticed that some of the men were wearing big necklaces with bright "gems" on them, which I discerned were bits of uranium.  "They will look to assemble things here," the Holy Spirit added.  I understood that to mean powerful explosives.

All August I had dreams of the Islamic extremists' recruiting efforts, seeing the different ways in which they were enticing young men and women to join in their carnage: money, promises of holiness and heavenly rewards, marriage and honor, and so on.  I specifically saw the Somali guy from Minneapolis and the bald headed guy with his girlfriend who were arrested at the airport.  In actuality, the recruits were already at a disadvantage because there was a spiritual component going on that they didn't even realize---"soul hunters" were enticing them in their sleep and at an unconscious level to go.  This spiritual mind control is operating very strongly and the young recruits don't have any idea....or defense against it.

A week or so ago I released an urgent word to prayer warriors to start praying for our country, and I will say again, the attacks that are coming against our nation in the near future are already being launched in the spirit realm.  The Lord will see us through in the days ahead, but now is the time to pray and prepare.  Now is a good time for churches to fill their pantries and collect bedding supplies so they will have things to help those in need on the day of disaster.  But remember, remain sober-minded; recall that Joseph knew there would be a famine coming up so he got the country prepared, not alarmed.  So it should be with us.

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed....the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.  And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."  
Romans 8:18-19, 26-27.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.     


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