River of Life

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word is from my recent trip to Germany--to decree revival! The Lord sent me to the city of Marburg, to two churches--the Elizabeth Church and the Universitatskirchengemeinde. Both are very old, with the Elizabeth church originally being a Catholic Cathedral built in 1282, and later converted to a Luthran church. This decree was written in the books of both churches:

"I have been sent here as a prophet of the Lord to decree that the River of Life that flows from the temple of the Lord (Ezekiel 47) flows to this church, this city, this region, and this nation. Blessed be the name of the Lord! Everywhere the River flows it turns the salt water fresh and large numbers of fish and living creatures are nourished from the fresh water. Fruit trees will spring up from both sides of the River bearing fruit once a month always and providing leaves of healing. Blessed be the receiver of this word from the Lord. 03-25-06"

Let it be as the Lord has said.

~By the way, while I was walking around the Elizabeth church, I noticed that it was built right next to a river that flows through the city and that region. ;)


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