Gideon Annointing Purified

Greetings in the Lord!

Although I normally am not led to write on the weekends, today I received a word from Amos 5:7-13, which I will share selected verses:
"You who turn justice into bitterness and cast righteousness to the ground...(He flashes destruction on the stronghold and brings the fortified city to ruin), you the one who reproves in court and despise him who tells the truth. You trample on the poor and force him to give you grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine. For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. You oppress the righteous and take bribes and you deprive the poor of justice in the courts. Therefore, the prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil."

~This word was received after I had a vivid dream this morning about the lives of several NBA stars, past and present, and some successful female athletes, too. I discern that the dream was more about the professional sports world in general, and not specifically about the athletes I saw. I watched as I saw how they let their popularity and affluence corrupt themselves and the people close to them, and contributed to the overall problem of hero worship in this country. At first I was appalled at how some of them were walking around without clothes, showing off and speaking boastfully, till I realized it was a metaphor for where they are at spiritually. Some of the men especially looked so weak and lost I was shocked! On TV they look so strong and invincible, it was surprising to see how desperate and lonely they really were...and so easily given to manipulate and take advantage of others to fill the void in their own lives. One past NBA star had it all, money, mansions, cars, women following him around, and he looked the most lost, lonely, and depraved of them all!

Three years ago, while I played a basketball season in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Lord taught me much about what He saw in the professional sports world and within the American Black community. I recalled only one vision during that whole time---gas was three dollars a gallon! Later, I came to realize that the vision was referring to a time when the prophetic words given that season would come to pass. Most of the prophetic words given at that time were words of judgment for godless and arrogant sport heroes, if they did not change their ways. Last summer, as gas was 3 dollars a gallon, many of those words came to pass: shame, demotion, court proceedings, people being kicked off teams, suspensions, etc. happened to many sport stars, including other celebrities in the American Black community.

Why the Black community you ask? At the time (8/23/05), the Lord also gave me a revelation about the American Black community, saying that He had heard their cries during their early oppression in America, and not only set them free but blessed them with a "Gideon's annointing." The Lord had me read the chapters in Judges about Gideon, especially 8:22-27, about Gideon's ephods---and how they led all of Israel astray. Similarly, the Black community is being led astray with the modern-day ephods of their celebrities. This was the word the Lord gave at that time:
"The Lord says, 'Destroy your golden ephods and return to Me! The anointing of Gideon that I put on you is mighty, and it seeks to tear down its oppressors. But you have used this without seeking me, therefore your warring has been for sinful, self-seeking pursuits. Apart from Me your Gideon anointing is sinful, violent, arrogant, useless. Destroy your ephods and return to Me! Purify yourselves and rise to do My work! I will heal and deliver you. Whitney you will sing again; I will command the enemy to loosen his grasp on you. Many rappers will be delivered. 50Cent, return to me, my son! Denzel, I need you! Ricky, you will run again! Black comedians fill your hearts with joy, not profanity! Puffy, it matters not what you wear on the outside---I command you, 'Be clean on the inside!' All of you, return to me, or I will remove you and fill your life with shame and disgrace. No longer will you eat and scatter the flock! BB, play for me!"

~At the time I was writing down the word, I saw many other Black people I assume to be celebrities in my mind, knowing that the word applied to all Black celebrities, and those who've aligned themselves with the Black community....who ultimately share in the Gideon's anointing. Today's word decrees that we are entering another season of purification and judgment for the ones talked about above. Watch this season as the strong arm of the Lord bring justice and separation to the flock; sheep to one side and goats to the other.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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