Assembly at the Gate

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's verse comes from Proverbs 24:7:
"Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the assembly at the gate he has nothing to say."

"The assembly at the gate" is referring to where the Jewish leaders of the city met to hold court. In essence, the proverb is saying that foolish people's opinions and words will be of little value in times when true wisdom is needed to make decisions. Likewise it is inferring that only the presence of wise people will be appreciated (and admitted?) in the "assembly at the gate." Yesterday the Lord gave me a dream, too, that helped to illustrate this point. In the dream a dirty dog was following me home. My house, however, was more like a tree house, and I had to climb a ladder, swing from limb to limb, then jump from a platform to the front doorway. The dog (which was now clean and beautiful) did pretty well jumping from place to place, but in the end could not get into the doorway and fell all the way down.

At the time I discerned the dream had meaning so I opened my Bible and turned to Romans 1:14, where Paul writes, "I am obligated both to the Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish." After considering both scriptures and the dream I realized that while we are called to share the Gospel with everyone, (irregardless of their perceived capacity to understand the Gospel or their current life's circumstances), not everyone will follow God's commands or accept godly counsel, therefore they end up rejecting wisdom and disqualifying themselves from entering "the assembly at the gate." Why is that important? It encourages us to press on and live holy, God-fearing lives, separate from the world's belief systems, because in the end their "wisdom" will not prove worthy of listening to, or being shown as accepted "in the assembly of the Gate."

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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