Immigration Update

Greetings in the Lord!

Just two days after posting the word from the Lord about the US-Mexican Immigration issue, US Immigration officials made over 1,100 arrests at more than 40 sites nationwide at a company called IFCO Systems for immigration charges, and two other companies in several cities pleaded guilty on similar charges. If convicted, fines could run as high as $250,000 per illegal worker at IFCO, with a 10-year prison sentence for the business managers. The US Immigration officials found terrible living conditions for the illegal workers, some living in groups of 10 to 20. Many businesses wer accused of not paying over-time to the illegal employees, who were being set up for deportation. Willing or not, these released "captives" will soon be reunited with their families in Mexico, while US Immigration officials promise to increase their down on US businesses who look to cash in illegally on "cheap labor."

It will be interesting now to follow along on CNN and watch the Lord have His way in US policy making and enforcement....


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