Gather Around It's Story Time

Greetings in the Lord!

When the Lord led me to today's scripture, I understood it as more of a directive; it is from Matthew 13:34:
"Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable."

I am discerning that He wants me to share stories of personal experiences with you as He brings to my heart for the daily words, at least for the time being. So, for today I would like to share a story from when I played basketball a season in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I was so excited to be playing not only in America, but near my hometown....and also to English-speaking persons whom would more likely be Christian. What a great opportunity to witness to my own nation about the many good things the Lord has done in my life! There was one younger player who especially liked to hear about my overseas basketball stories. I shared with her gladly, even though I discerned that she was eagerly listening because she secretly coveted my experiences---the experiences the Lord had given me, I carefully explained to her. Nonetheless, her jealousy soon became very obvious and she chose to join those who were already rejecting, mocking, even intimidating me to the point of bodily injury at times, all because of the pride and jealousy in their hearts. Still, the Lord would not change His words for them: pride, arrogance, selfishness, racial prejudice, and behavior was wrong and He would not bless those who claimed to be Christian, but who pursued their own agendas in these ways.

It was the longest four months of my career, but now I am SO thankful! It is interesting to see how the Lord loves to fill a person's life with great exploits---His exploits---and use them to whet the spiritual appetites of those around them. Then, when He's gotten their hunger fixed on Him, He reveals what they must completely surrender to Him before really enjoying the fullness of the banquet He's prepared. It is easy to see that some will be like little chicks coming to Christ to be fed, while others become the enemies that curse the banquet partakers and have to watch the banquet being eaten because they are too stubborn to surrender to the King of the banquet.

~Come, surrender, the table is ready.


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