Swing the Sickle, For the Harvest is Ripe

Greetings in the Lord!
Well, there has been a lot of teaching among evangelical and prophetic circles in the American Church about the significance of the four blood moons coinciding with the Jewish festivals.  Historically, there have been major events involving Israel during this time (you can learn more by watching or reading what John Hagee and others are teaching on YouTube or in their books), but I will only share what the Lord has shown me.

Around 1AM I saw the fullness of the lunar eclipse, the blood moon last night and marveled at its unique sight.  As I stood there looking at it, the familiar question came to my heart, "What does it mean?"  I really haven't studied it too much and every time I hear people teaching on it I am still left with that same question, unanswered in my pondering heart.

I went back to bed and prayed, "What does it mean, Father?"  And He simply said, "Joel 3."

So I opened my Bible and read the passage; it talks about God rousing all of Israel's enemies to war, drawing them to the "Valley of Decision," so He can execute judgment on them for all their violence and hatred of Israel.  Though they assemble with like heart and mind against the Lord, they will be swiftly defeated by God Almighty.

"Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.  Come trample the grapes, for the wine press is full and the vats overflowing---so great is their wickedness!
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!  For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." 
The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.  The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble.  But the Lord will be a refuge for His people, a stronghold for the people of Israel."  Joel 3:13-16.

Basically, the passage is saying that in the days when the moon and sun are darkened (blood moon signs, 2014-2015, as in the past), that the enemies of Israel will all be stirred up to wage war against her and those that love God, but the Lord will bring great victory and blessing to His people as He saves them by His mighty hand.  This is consistent with what other Christian teachers are saying.

However, there was one verse that jumped out to me, and it was this:
"Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.  Come trample the grapes, for the wine press is full and the vats overflowing---so great is their wickedness!"  Joel 3:13

There are many in the American Church that are praying for the end time harvest, when masses of people will come to the Lord and take Jesus as their Savior.  For them, the "harvest" represents an exciting time.  However, this verse talks about the flip side to that harvest, and that is the "harvest of judgment" being poured out against the wicked who continue to wage war against God.  This dichotomous understanding reminds me of back in 2005, when the people were praying for revival for the US, and I said, "Yes, the Lord comes....to uproot, destroy, and overthrow; then to replant," for that was the word the Lord gave me from Jeremiah 1.

The American Church wanted the warm and fluffy version of revival, where people jump and sing and praise God, and yes, that did happen, too.  But the Lord's idea of revival is about holiness, and to that end much uprooting had to be done.  So, it was not a coincidence then, that the US started to experience some of the greatest economic, social and natural disasters of recent history during this time.  And guess what?  Many people did return to the Lord!  Sometimes revival doesn't look like what we think, and likewise, "harvest" won't either.

So, the word of the Lord still stands, let 2014-2015 usher in a big "harvest," blessings for the righteous and those that take refuge in the Lord, and defeat for those who wage war against God and His plans.  We will begin to see more evil alliances being made between nations that have an ungodly agenda against God's people and Israel; bold moves to try and tear down and plunder Israel and the nations that hold to the Lord; but in the midst of it all, powerful deliverances and moves of God among those who call upon His name.  Amen!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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