Pray for the Well-Known Prodigals

Greetings in the Lord!

Last night I was reading and turned to Ezra chapters 4-6.  Those are some interesting chapters because they are governmental letters written during that time, one between the officials of the Trans-Euphrates to King Artaxerxes, the Persian king, and his reply; and one from Tattenai, a later governor of the Trans-Euphrates region to King Darius, and his reply.  Both letters concern the rebuilding of the temple and city of Jerusalem.

You see, previously, King Cyrus had decreed that Jerusalem's temple and city be rebuilt, complete with the return of the temple's equipment from Babylon and building materials to be provided for the completion of the work.  But of course, Israel's neighbors opposed the rebuilding process and over time wickedly persuaded King Artaxerxes to stop the construction.  It wasn't until the reign of King Darius that officials were able to reverse that decision by exposing the original rebuilding decree of King Cyrus.  Amen! 

It is a word for us to remember today.  That even though "rebuilding" may have been decreed and the process started in our lives, we may still run into major opposition that will cause the construction to be halted for a time.  But never fear!  God is well able to bring to completion His promises of restoration in our lives.  God is faithful, and all-powerful, so what He has decreed will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen and amen.

There is another word for today.  It came in the form of a dream I had this morning.  It was a dream of Miley Cyrus, a word to pray for her.  In the dream she was partying with "friends" and having what she thought was a good time.  Then, at the end of the party, she wanted to take a group picture for the press of her "having fun."  Well, about five or six "friends" in the group turned their backs on her and refused to be in the photo.  Miley hadn't realized that they weren't actually friends, but rather they were there to make sure she kept partying and unaware of the direness of her situation.

In the second part of the dream Miley started to have breakdowns, sweating profusely, body shaking, and fearful of being alone.  She got to a point where she had to run away from everything, and went to see an older bald man who would "help" her.  In actuality this man was not going to help, but keep her mentally incapacitated.  They met at some entertainment/restaurant plaza and talked over dinner at an Italian restaurant, which was hidden from paparazzi and fans.  They made some plans to meet again in the future and she left. 

I met her right after that and had a moment to talk to her, asking her if she "was still a Christian", to which she said, "Yes!" 
"Really? Your performances don't show that.  I'm not sure God would be too pleased with the things you are doing."  But while she was still telling me adamantly that she was a Christian, sweat poured off of her face and she shivered uncontrollably.  I watched her face and there was a strange disconnect with reality, almost like she had no idea of what went on in her shows...or her life.  Realizing that her mind had been horribly shattered, I began to pray for her.  Immediately she fell to the ground and began having seizures with bolts of little lightening happening around her head.

I was scared for her and kept praying, and as I did, more young talents came out of the shadows going through the same thing that was happening to Miley.  They were all suffering from mental abuse/control from their 'producers' and 'agents' of the music industry. 

So, while this was just a dream, I discern that we as Christians should pray for Miley.  Yes, even though we are all repulsed by her stage performances and reviled by her videos and lewdness, we should pray that her enemies be scattered and that the power of the enemy of her soul, which we all fight against, will be broken off of her in Jesus' name.  It is too easy to judge those we see online and on TV, but if they were or are a Christian, we should pray on their behalves for God to intervene and bring them back to the flock.  Let's pray in Jesus name for the lives of this younger generation, even though they have gone the way of the prodigal, their life, as ours, is valued in God's sight.  Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.      



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