Adulterous Generation

Greetings in the Lord!

For the past 2-3 weeks the Lord has been talking about adultery: spiritual adultery, literal adultery, you name it.  And it was finally today that it began to truly sink in when Jesus referred to "this wicked and adulterous generation" what He was talking about.

In Mark 8:34-38 it all came together for me:

Then Jesus called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.  What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?  Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels." 

Jesus was pretty much laying it all on the line: either you serve me or the world, there is no in between.  And he was talking to his disciples too, mind you, for he knew that some would not go the distance.  In fact, by the number of times Jesus refers to the people as "a adulterous and sinful generation," we can surmise that Jesus felt they were the majority.  Fame, fortune, self, any lust of this world would pull at people and cause their hearts to become hard as they gave into the temptation to follow their own will and satisfy their own flesh instead of following His will and trusting that God would meet their needs. 

It's interesting that also in Mark 8, after the miracle of the feeding of the four thousand, the Pharisees ask Jesus for a sign, clearly indicating that they did not accept the miracle of the feeding as proof of the truth of his ministry.  Rather, they were seeking to undermine Jesus on the heels of that miracle.  Religion is part of the world, you know, with all of its self-righteousness and ego and traditions.  Expect that after we have denied ourselves in worldly ways that religion will also tempt to mislead us.  That is why Jesus warned his disciples about the "yeast" of the Pharisees; it was spiritual unbelief and adultery. 

The root of adultery is the worship of self, plain and simple.  I just read an article about the top 12 "facts" about why men cheat, but let's be honest, the motivation behind why both men and women cheat is selfishness.  It's caring more about yourself and having no fear of God, plain and simple; it matters not the circumstances or emotions that led up to the act.

It's curious that the Old Testament makes very clear the parallel between literal adultery and spiritual adultery; in fact, it seems there is no line separating them.  Since adultery is all about people pursuing their own will, their own ways, and their own wisdom, we can know that for one to commit literal adultery they have long since committed spiritual adultery in their hearts.  "Like a bird that strays from its nest is a man who strays from his home."  Proverbs 27:8  There is no security away from His protective nest and we are more vulnerable to temptation; its foolishness to stray.  However, consider Proverbs 22:14: "The mouth of the adulteress is a deep pit; he who is under the Lord's wrath will fall into it." it looks like straying quickly turns into big trouble as the Lord allows the strayer to get what's coming to him. 

An adulterous heart is a spiritual condition; it is unfaithfulness to God by seeking to fulfill your own desires your own way...and in exchange you will lose your soul.  That is the true precariousness of our world today--not wars and rumors of wars, famine and the like.  These are the days that we must give ear to the truth of the Gospel and submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  He is the one who strengthens us, heals us, delivers us and preserves us for the coming day of our Lord Jesus. 

This past month the Lord has surrounded me with people contemplating and committing literal adultery.  With my mouth I have spoken God's words to them and as to be expected, not many have received my words.  Oh well.  I still stand and let the Holy Spirit fill me with His words.  However, my heart is grieved as I know that their adultery is only a physical manifestation of their spiritual adultery.  They have already become hardened in their hearts and have closed their ears to God's counsel...and speak against it!    

"They have lied about the Lord; they said, 'He will do nothing!  No harm will come to us; we will never see sword or famine.  The prophets are but wind and the word is not in them; so let what they say be done to them.' Therefore this is what the Lord God Almighty says: "Because the people have spoken these words, I will make My words in your mouth a fire and these people the wood it consumes."  Jeremiah 5:12-14.  And it goes on to say that if we will not hear the word of the Lord speaking in our own language, then the Lord will send a strange tongue to speak to us and lay low the stronghold in which we trust.  There was one other time I received this passage from Scripture. 

I was sent by God to a prophetic ministry that was hosting a conference in Denver.  As part of their conference they offered prophetic prayer for people if they wanted it; and it was assured to the people that no prophetic words of rebuke or correction would be given.  That was ministry's written policy.  I was surprised when the Lord put it on my heart to go get prayer and said, "Lord, I would just ask You; why do I have to ask them?"  But I went anyway.  During the prayer the people prophesied nothing unfamiliar to me until the last part: "You will begin to hear God in different languages," said the lady.  Ugh!  I had a check in my spirit.  Since the prayer was being recorded and would be given to me, I decided I would listen again afterwards and thanked them.  Sure enough, as I was listening on the ride home the same sentence jumped out at me.  "The miracle of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts was that You spoke to everyone in their own language--so they could hear and understand You, Lord.  Why in the world would you speak to me in a strange tongue??"  It can't be!

With much study and prayer I discerned that because this ministry has determined to ONLY speak positive, feel-good prophetic words, that they were no different than any of the wicked kings of Israel who surrounded themselves with false prophets that would say whatever they wanted to hear.  God allowed a lying spirit to speak through them, just as He did those false prophets of Ahab's day....because they were being adulterous and rebellious.  It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime, if we're not careful to how we live. 

It was also an obvious connection between adultery and false prophets.  When a nation becomes adulterous they give ear to false prophets.  That's a dangerous day indeed!  But a day will come when God will expose those false prophets and prove wrong their words of "Peace and prosperity!"  God allows their enemies to come and speak in foreign tongue His rebuke and discipline. 

This season the Lord is moving mightily in our midst, and yes, at times it gets a little bumpy for the saints of God who have determined to do His will.  Speaking God's truth in the midst of an adulterous generation is a tough endeavor, but God who is faithful will not abandon us.  If we seek to remain in His nest He will deliver and save us from that tough crowd....and even from our own temptations with adultery!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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