
Greetings in the Lord!

Being half way around the world from my home makes it sometimes difficult to keep up with national, local, and even family matters.  But when God wants to let me know something of importance to Him, regardless of where I am or what I am doing, He will just put it on my today. 

I was sitting by the poolside enjoying the warmth of the Omani sun when I saw and heard loudly and clearly in my spirit, "Romney! Romney! Romney!" being chanted over and over.  I saw a map of the United States go from red to red, white and blue and begin to wave.  I thought about what day it was back home and knew the debates had finished earlier and people were now making their assessments.  I listened to the Spirit of the Lord as He let me hear what people were saying in the US:

"It's time for a change alright, 'back to the basics' kind of change!"

"I'm glad we've had a black man in the White House, America has always been known for breaking down racial and gender stereotypes, but I'm done with his politics.  It's time to get down to business."

Then a feeling a warmth and confidence filled my heart when the face of Romney showed in my vision.  It had nothing to do with him, per se, but in his values: of family, of business ethics and hard, honest work.  He is a man of integrity, plain and simple.  Next I saw in my vision his four grown sons and could feel the Lord's blessings on their lives as well, going back to Mitt's father even.  "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children..." (Proverbs 13:22).  That's what I felt looking at those young men, "Inheritance", as in, they were the Lord's type of inheritance, and it seemed to run deep in the family line.   

I was also led to read, "The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out."  Proverbs 13:9 and "A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest turning from evil." Proverbs 13:19.    It's interesting, when I cross-referenced Proverbs 13:19 it led me to Proverbs 13:12: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."

Four years ago we were promised "Hope" but it was not delivered.  It couldn't be, as that was not his purposed role.  No, in fact the Lord had me prophesy in 2006 that He was raising up "a bird of prey" to tear apart the United States.  He would be a "false light that would lead many astray" and would have the divine purpose of dismantling the United States--because their hearts were arrogant and hard.  Now we are in a place where the hearts of many are seeking God's will; they have become broken and do not want to continue down the same road they have been on.  In short, their troubles have softened their hearts and they no longer believe the hype and lies they have been told...they long for integrity and truth.  In September the Lord had me release a word that He was "removing Shebna from office," i.e. Obama, and as tough as it was to give that word, I did so in faith.  Now it is time for the Lord to blow out that false light just as "the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out."  When the longing of the righteous and repentant is fulfilled it will be a tree of life, Scripture tells us.  They will be revived and strengthened and it will be sweet to their souls.  And the rest of that proverb is true as well, "...but fools detest turning from evil." 

So now it's game on, almost time to vote.  Would you like four more years of the same?  Because if you think a leopard can change his spots, it cannot.  God is offering a good alternative to the current administration.  He has promises on the horizon and will do it...but did you know that the Northern kingdom of Israel was in its prime of affluence when they were overrun?  Even though they were arrogantly complacent with God and corrupt, the Lord allowed them to prosper greatly during this time while He sent prophets to speak out His words to repent and change.  Prosperity and "peace" is not a true measure of right-standing with God, but rather, can be a false security for those who put their trust in that.  For under a corrupt government money corrupts more, and "peace" affords more time to indulge in their wickedness.  It's time to make a wise choice with our vote in November.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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