A Great Light Shines in the Darkness
Greetings in the Lord~ In my travels around the world, I often would study the history of a nation as led by the Lord to see the how and why of the current spiritual condition of that country. While that was always an interesting examination, none more perplexed me than when spiritual "darkness" came upon a land, and of the confusion, violence and judgments that came as a result. The effects of the darkness could be seen in not just in the religious expression of a nation, but also in their political affairs and social attitudes upon the land. For example, the country I was most intrigued with was Germany -- how did they not see through Hitler's propaganda and actions? What exactly was that darkness that blinded them and caused the greater populace to stumble along willingly accepting his evil policies, complicit to his ways? In Isaiah 8-9, we read about a great darkness coming upon the land. One of the main characteristics of this darkn...