Assemble Prayer Groups and Man the Walls!

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word covers a couple of week's worth of Scriptures and daily words from the Lord that seem to keep building from the words given in June--namely, about the nature and scope of the "storm" that is coming to the U.S.  If you read my last post, I gave the words of the Holy Spirit in which He talked about a "great offense" coming that was so unforgivable that it would cause His people to rise up.

Well, I have much more to add today.  First, it comes from Isaiah 28 and Ezekiel 34, two passages that God denounces the bad leadership of the northern kingdom of Israel and the bad leadership of the exiles in Assyria.  In both cases, the selfish and arrogant leadership are not taking care of the people, but rather leading them astray with false doctrine, dismissing the needs of the poor and weak, and using resources to better only themselves.  I even discern that it goes far darker than that.

To better understand the trajectory of today's message, it is important to realize that in both cases the "Israel" it is referring to are not the faithful ones who still only worship God, but rather, these are the ones who will be or have already been exiled spiritually for their idolatry (think Far Left, BLM or Antifa).  Make no mistake, the troubles they will or have endured is a form of God's discipline, and this rage they feel is in part from their separation from blessings, where they have chosen to believe lies and live a life hostile to the truth and covering of God.  That is the nature of anarchy--to try and cast off authority.  But in Isaiah 28:11, it says this: "So now God will have to speak to His people through foreign oppressors who speak a strange language!"  What does that mean?

Well, if you consider that the miracle of Pentecost was that all the people of different nationalities were hearing God in their own language (because God desires to have a personal relationship with each person), BUT, when God chooses to speak to you through a foreign tongue, it means you are in trouble!  You wouldn't listen when you could understand, so this passage is saying that God brings foreigners to rule over you and they will teach you their oppressive ways because you wanted to hear the "drunkenness" (false doctrines like Socialism) of bad leadership.  It's what is happening now in the US and UK and other places, but it also happened when Lenin came to power in Russia.  He sold the people a bunch of foreign ideas called "Socialism" or "Marxism" and they repackaged it calling it Communism and the country's fruitfulness stopped in 1917 and by 1930 Stalin had purged millions of Russians.  Even to this day life is very difficult in Russia.  But God knows the end from the beginning and that is NOT the destiny He has for the United States.

Instead, we read that in Isaiah 28:5-6 God will separate out the "remnant" from among the spiritual rebels of Israel and "give them a longing for justice" and "give great courage to their warriors who stand at the gates."  It means that in the middle of it all, God will be sifting through our country, picking out the teachable ones, those whose heart is not filled with hate or a thirst for violence or revenge and He will begin to mold them into usable spokesmen and women for very real causes of justice.  These leaders will be selfless and strong, for they will have to endure much to speak up for the weak, needy, and disenfranchised in their communities, and to denounce the lies and false doctrines the bad leadership has been telling to indoctrinate and inflame adherents.  God is looking to remove the bad leadership from within these spiritually rebellious organizations and political viewpoints and replace them with good shepherds who will fight for truth and the cause of justice.

However, this week I had a dream that painted a much darker picture of this " bad leadership," as I began to say at the top.  It was a dream of a male blonde youth following me around in a crowd of people.  I was at a major public gathering and I felt I was among supporters, except for this creepy kid.  On his face was a menacing smirk, and his movements were not natural, like he was under some form of mind control.  Finally, I stopped and turned to look at him full-on, and he was now behind a podium.  With rigid hands, he made a tight number four sign and raised and lowered both his arms four times in a chopping motion, pointing in my direction.  "What the heck does 'four' mean?" I asked, then, I saw the boy pull out a gun and I yelled, "He's trying to kill me!"  Immediately, the place erupted into sheer chaos as people fled the scene and I was carted off by a group of body guards.

So what does all this mean?  Obviously, in four months is November and I discern that "bad leaders" are making covert alliances with foreign entities for their help in not only sabotaging/influencing the elections in November in exchange for favorable trade agreements afterwards, but also that young talents are being eyed for an assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump----that "great offense" will cause a major shock and rage among his supporters and it will be very ugly in the US,  like in the days of the Civil War.  I will say it again, things are going to get steadily worse and worse leading up to the "great offense" at/before November time!  It is absolutely critical for believers of Jesus Christ to begin to pray now that these evil plans and alliances are exposed and rendered powerless and ineffectual so that none of their wicked plots will take place, and that on the day of the storm, we will be strong and confident in the Lord that He will protect us, guide us, comfort us, and lead us forward to stability again.

In the spirit realm, I hear war drums beating and people running around gathering supplies, putting on their colors, and getting together for strategic planning.  We are fast approaching a battle season, time for game faces and focused prayer and intercession.  Today I saw a T-shirt with Donald Trump wearing an American flag like a headband; he was transformed into a warrior with a scowl and determined look for victory--that will be his campaign focus, "Save America!"  People of God, wake up and take your place on the wall!  Circle the band wagons and gather the troops, we have entered a battle season like many in this generation has never seen before.  Pray that God grants us wisdom and victory; pray for exposure of wicked plots; pray that the Holy Spirit begins to touch people's hearts to stir them to prepare in whatever capacity is needed for the days ahead; and thank God who knows the end from the beginning and when the enemy comes like a storm the Spirit of the Lord will rise up a standard against him.  Amen and amen.        


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