Strange Fire Dealt With

Greetings in the Lord~

Even though I call this blog "Daily Prophetic Words," I rarely write on a daily basis.  The "daily" is more of a theme or context, in that, I tend to prophesy about daily life, culture, newsmakers, governments and current events--the "people's prophet," I guess.  Also, I simply don't feel I get prophetic words to share corporately every day.  Instead, I prefer to pray about the words I get and allow a period of time for the Holy Spirit to speak more deeply about what He is telling me, since the prophetic words are for "the heralds to run with it" and will make news headlines after a period of time (not usually within days, but months or years typically).

Anyway, all week the Lord has been speaking to me from the book of Numbers, chapters 3 and 17 mostly, and also from John 6 and Psalm 44.  In a nutshell, it's talking about rebellious people wanting to 1) take (spiritual) matters into their own hands instead of following the Word of the Lord, or 2) to not submit to those whom He has chosen to rule over others.  It appears this word is addressing some of the spiritual roots of the anarchist mindset we are seeing and hearing all around us--God is going to begin to move very powerfully against these rebellious behaviors.

In Numbers 3, we read about "strange fire;" this is the unprescribed way that two of Aaron's sons chose to do the daily sacrifice/incense instead of following the Lord's prescribed way and died as a result.  This "strange fire" was a form of rebellion.  In modern times, one way we see this is when people will try and become "Christian witches" or when government leadership (of Christian heritage) tries to use witchcraft or paganism in the administration of their duties or furthering of their career--it's a big no-no.  They almost always bring disaser upon themselves by the end of their careers, if not their lives prematurely.  "What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"  Best not to sell out or carry out spiritual matters contrary to God's Word.

In Numbers 17, we read about the difference between God-appointed leadership and self-appointed leadership.  Here, the rebellion is not just a refusal to submit to the authority the Lord has put over you, but even try to usurp that authority.  That too, is a big no-no.  In the preceding chapter, we read that Korah, Dathan and Abiram led a group of 250 people to try and overthrow Moses' and Aaron's leadership while in the desert.  Interestingly, all these men were also carrying incense burners, which meant that they not only wanted political power, but they also wanted to be self-appointed priests and theocratic leaders.  Long story short, the ground swallowed up Korah, Dathan and Abiram, and fire consumed the other 250 rebels.  Then, a plague broke out among the people because they continued to complain against Moses and Aaron!  (Hmmm, mass anarchist protests and outbreaks of plagues, seems like we've heard this one before.)  But in Numbers 17, the Lord finally puts it all to rest.  He has 12 leaders of each of the tribes bring their staffs to the tabernacle and lay them with Aaron's staff.  By morning, Aaron's staff had not only had sprouted, budded, blossomed, but had grown almonds on it as well!  This miracle would stand as a sign to all those who wanted to try and usurp the godly authority the Lord had put over them.

So, what can we say for today's prophetic word?  Well, like Korah, we have an abundance of people in the US that have adopted the same arrogant, antichrist mindset--they refuse God's Word, God's people and God's will for the course of the nation.  It also seems like a time when we will see a rise in the use of "strange fire"--people pretending to be Christian but really carrying out witchcraft--following the desires of their own heart while putting up godly pretenses, giving to God what they want to give instead of what He requires, and/or outright persecution of Christians by using sorcery, but--"Blessed is eveyone who blesses you, O Israel, and cursed is everyone who curses you." Numbers 24:9b.  But just as King Balak had to learn, you cannot curse what God has determined to bless.  Praise the Lord!

So, it seems we are entering a time when these types of rebellion will be dealt with by the strong hand of God.  Amen!  God sees what goes on in the darkness and He knows the hearts of all--rebellion of these forms will judged severely in the coming months, so repentence is definitely in order.  Also, I expect that people who have been blinded by rebellious ideology and taken captive, will be set free as they see the strong hand of the Lord move against rebellious leaders or influencers in the land.  Praise God! It is a good thing when the Lord moves powerfully against the "Pharaohs" of the land--people get set free!  So, as always, we pray the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.        


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