Bitter Grapes Dealt With

Greetings in the Lord~

Recently, I was asked a great question, "What is the purpose of the next 5 months?"  It was asked in light of this person hearing prophetic words from several prophetic speakers that mentioned about a lot of upheaval, violence, food shortage, and the like during the next five months.  At first I wasn't sure what to say but the Lord gave the answer, "Isaiah 5."

This chapter begins with an allegory of Israel being like a special vineyard the Lord had planted.  He cleared away all the stones, planted the best vines, and set up a watchtower and press for the wonderfully sweet harvest He was expecting.  However, at the harvest only bitter grapes had been produced--how disappointed He was!  "He expected a crop of justice, but instead He found oppression.  He expected to find righteousness, but instead He heard cries of violence." Isaiah 5:7b.

What had made the grapes "bitter"?  Well, in the chapter we find six things.  The first bad behavior mentioned is that the "rich" of the grapes benefited themselves by exploiting the poor and weak; they cared nothing for what was best for the nation.  Whether this is a leader of politics or another industry, these bitter grapes have used their influence and power at the expense and detriment of others.  This has been a frequent criticism of the Democrat party, but certainly not limited to them!  No, we have whole industries like Big Tech censoring whoever they want and exercising unjust monopolistic business practices without legal repercussions, and so on. 

The next bad behavior of these "bitter" grapes is their love of alcohol and pursuit of selfish, foolish enjoyments in life.  Life is just a party for them, and they care nothing for God or His ways.  The third bad behavior of the "bitter" grapes is that they parade their sin to mock God and even challenge Him by saying, "Well, what are You going to do about it?"  Everyone knows, that while the wicked may flourish for a season, their eternal destiny is destruction and torment, so foolish! 

The fourth bad behavior is that "bitter" grapes call evil good and good evil; they call light dark and dark light, and sweet things bitter while bitter things sweet.  We can see a lot of this going on these days!  There is an all-out war against the wisdom of God as people constantly try to make their own logic and reasoning superior to God Almighty's.  The word "progressive" is quite often used to infer a superior and more advanced thinking, but in actuality the beliefs have just strayed further from God's statues and ways, even trying to take Him out of the picture entirely!  "Progressive" thinking in this way only leads to suffering and bondage to sin.  Also, twisting truth to suit one's own agenda or promoting conventional "wisdom" instead of God's eternal wisdom is really not wisdom at all.  It will not bear any of the good, sweet fruit it was meant to but instead will only serve short-term interests and exclude others.  For example, there is a lot of talk about "privilege" these days but the only true, universal privilege is found in serving Jesus Christ.  In Him, we will have all that we need.   

The fifth bad behavior of "bitter" fruit is similar to the fourth, in that, these folks are arrogant and are wise in their own eyes.  They think they have all the answers and they don't have any regard for the ways of God but instead, try to elevate their own thinking above His.  Interestingly, the chapter even mentions that the nation's heroes, the "great and honored," will suffer the same fate as any other bitter grape if they act and think like a bitter grape.  I expect this to include our beloved pro sports heroes, as many of act like "bitter grapes," and I fully expect that their shortened seasons this year will disappear altogether.   

Lastly, "bitter" grapes pervert justice by taking bribes and letting the wicked go free, while they punish the innocent instead!  So far, we have seen two very public examples of innocent men--Roger Stone and General Flynn--get set free.  They had been convicted wrongly by many who perverted justice intentionally to go along with an evil agenda.  But God had other plans!  Expect to see God move powerfully where there has been a gross perversion of justice in the next five months.

So, in a nutshell we can say that the purpose of the next five months is for God to expose, uproot, and tear down the bad behaviors of the "bitter" grapes in the land.  It will continue to be a combustible time, and yes, there may be shortages and continued attacks and conflicts both within and from outside of the U.S.--even in the most unassuming ways.  For example, there may be more than meets the eye regarding the seeds sent from China to thousands of Americans.  (These seeds should be prayed over so that the fruit of our harvest and seed for food will be blessed.) 

Isaiah 5 gives other details of this time period of what to expect, who will be included, why it is happening, and the best part for the people of God, it give assurances that He will take care of His people!  "The holiness of God will be displayed by His righteousness.  In that day, lambs will find good pastures, and fattened sheep and young goats will feed among the ruins."  Isaiah 5:16-17.  Praise God who sees what each person does and repays according to what they have done.   
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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