Healing Rain Put Out the Fire

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Nehemiah 3 and it talks about all of the people who happily, eagerly, and with much zealousness joined with the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the city's walls--amen!  This is a now word, it is happening!, in the United States, the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and elsewhere!  Not only did a clarion call go out to Christian ministries around the world to pray for the U.S. elections in November and for the safety of its borders, but God has stirred up the hearts of Christians all over the world to see the broken walls of their own countries and to prayerfully rebuild them.  Praise God!  It is awesome to see and know so many Christians who are discerning the urgency of this hour, for this was no beautification project--Nehemiah called a national emergency.  City walls in those days were absolutely essential as protection from invading armies; to have weak or broken down walls was inviting trouble!  And so it is now for nations spiritually; for a nation to obey spiritual boundaries, have respect for God's requirements and ordinances, and to model your legal system and truth after God's righteousness and justice is to be blessed, full of peace and prosperity.  To choose to serve any other god or ideology and to honor what is vile is a huge mistake that will cause a breaking down of a nation's walls, so to speak.  They will live in constant conflict, always be striving for growth and respect but will struggle to sustain whatever they do get.  I thank God that He has a wonderful destiny for any nation that would choose to follow Him, and is stirring up hearts to stand in the gap for those nations that need their walls prayerfully rebuilt--amen!

Of course, in the next chapter of Nehemiah, we see that the enemies of Judah and enemies of God began to mock the progress, even threaten to attack and tear down what they'd built, but Nehemiah was a man of prayer!  He prayed to God for protection and the strength to see the project through to completion, and even though the builders had to carry a weapon in one hand and build with the other, they got it done.  Praise God!  So it will be for those prayerful "builders" now--they must support each other and be vigilant that spiritual attacks will come and planned attacks will need to be thwarted by prayer, but it will indeed all be thwarted by our God hearing and responding to our prayers--amen!  The Lord will send help from Heaven when we call to Him and He will be our Shield--watching over our coming and going--preserving us day and night--providing wisdom and perseverance to see this through until the victory in November!  Praise God!

Like a confirmation to this word, this week in my Colorado town a forest fire broke out on one of the mountains in town.  Since this particular mountain has a rocky and steep top, no houses were at the summit where the fire started, but I watched with perfect view from my porch for 90 minutes as entire trees exploded into flames from the intense heat of the fire and made its way down the side to populated neighborhoods, less than 2 miles from my home.  While I watched, I gathered my prayer partners on the phone and we prayed for God to intervene, to send rain to help douse this fire and decreed a barrier of the blood of Jesus between the fire and the homes.  Within 20 minutes the rain came and stopped the fire from advancing--not a single structure was burned.  Even the news reporter commented, "At 7pm, the rain came and put it out like a campfire."  Amen and amen!  People of God, greater is the One who lives in us than the one who lives in the world; we have awesome spiritual authority because Jesus lives in us.  Do not be afraid of the threats that will come, but rather, speak and decree the Sovereignty of God to those mountains and watch them be moved.  We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!  Praise God!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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