
Enter Through the Gate in the Wall

Greetings in the Lord, Early on, when President Trump was campaigning about building a wall on the US southern border, it was funny, everyone chanting "Build the wall!" at his rallies. I really didn't think too much about it, but was entertained by the fervor of the crowd. Then, one day the Lord started to speak to me about walls. Most of the cities in the Old Testament had walls around them, in fact, many of the modern homes in Saudi Arabia still do! They serve a purpose, obviously, to keep thieves out, for safety, and there's nothing immoral about staying safe. But that wasn't what the Lord was talking to me about necessarily. No, the Lord was talking about rebuilding walls, the walls of morality in a person's life, walls of integrity, distinction in the Lord, not being like the world, with the wall a barrier that would keep the good in and the evil out. The Lord was also talking about rebuilding the walls of our nation, as far as the same issues were co...

Word for 2019---Great Winds Churning Up the Waves

Greetings in the Lord~ Just after the New Year holiday, I was praying for a word for the year and instead got what I discern is more of a glimpse of the next two years.  The vision I saw was of very dark skies and intense winds blowing on the open seas.  These were strong Antichrist winds causing the waves on the sea to rage and lash and roar with great ferocity.  In Biblical symbolism, the great sea is the mass of peoples who live in the world, and the waves are those people that will become and are hostile to God and shake their fists at His Law and Sovereignty. "The floods have risen up, O Lord.  The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves. But  mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the Lord above is mightier than these!  Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever." Psalm 93:3-5. Just as I was praying into this vision for more...

Song of Victory at Year's End

Greetings in the Lord, This is a year-end word and what a joy it is to decree it! In fact, it's so good I will just put the psalm that it comes from (21) in its entirety. Yes, it's 13 verses of God's goodness and strength decreeing victory for His people, for we are over-comers in Christ Jesus! Let the promises of this psalm settle in your heart and watch as it unfolds before us, one victory at a time! The battle was long, beloved, but God is decreeing these Victorious promises for us today, enjoy. How the king rejoices in your strength, oh Lord! He shouts with joy because you give him victory. For You have given him his heart's desire, You have withheld nothing he requested. You welcomed him back with success and prosperity. You placed a crown of finest gold on his head. He asked you to preserve his life, and You granted his request. The days of his life stretch on forever. Your Victory brings him great honor, and You have clothed him with Splendor and Majesty. Y...

Set Free to Worship God Almighty

Greetings in the Lord! Before we get to today's word, I'd like to acknowledge two recent blog posts and how God continues to fulfill His words before our very eyes.  First, the word about the Lord shining His love as a sign of renewal and commitment through the newly married Justin and Hailey Bieber -- the prophetic word about his marriage was given in 2017 and this summer it sprang forth -- now they just finished doing a photo shoot together highlighting their marriage for all to see.  May God continue to bless and mature this young couple for His glory -- I fully expect his next album to be quite different from his past music and full of his devotion and thankfulness to what God has done in his life.  The other post had to do with President Macron and other global leaders bringing trouble on themselves as they defiantly go about their own agendas, even spurning the global leadership God has put in place for this period of time, namely, President Trump.  Both Ma...

After the Sifting, Pure Faith Remains

Greetings in the Lord! One month ago, on October 25th, a 150-year old Baptist cathedral in Wakefield, Massachusetts burnt to the ground from a lightening strike.  It had been an honored centerpiece for the city both for historical and religious reasons, even still being used daily to provide for worship, schooling, and daycare.  Needless to say, for many people in this community, the cathedral felt like a member of their family and they were devastated by the tragedy.  However, in the midst of their sadness a miracle emerged--a large painting of Jesus was recovered unscathed by the fire! Since very little else remained from the church building, the miracle painting made national headlines and was a reminder that Jesus Christ is more than a building, but our true Savior who lives. After I saw the amazing incident, it reminded me of the fiery ordeal of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as told in Daniel chapter 3.  In that story, the three Jewish exiles would not bow...

Signs for the Millennial Generation & Global Leadership

Greetings in the Lord! Recently I have come across pictures of Justin Bieber and his new wife enjoying their time together on vacation and traveling, even some intimate embraces while they are in a tropical place. They look so in love! Recall that back in March of this year the Lord gave the word that he would be married, and sure enough, look at him now! So why is that important? Why does the Lord even care to share about Justin's life with us? Because Justin belongs to God and God delights in his children. If you go back to July and September of 2017, you might recall that the Lord gave me the word that He was saving people out of the music industry. Part of their deliverance process would include marriage because marriage represents a relationship like what we should have with Jesus Christ. I discerned at the time that their marriage would be a significant sign of their recommitment and relationship back with the Lord. And we have seen this with Justin. Not only that, but ...

Get Ready to Get Shook

Greetings in the Lord~ Before I share today's word, I wanted to give thanks to God for the fulfillment of a word He had me share from July 2017.  On July 30th, 2017, I posted a prophetic word about God brooding over the international contracts and agreements that were being negotiated during that year, especially between the EU countries and the United States.  The word went on to say: " 1) for nations to adhere to and be faithful to what they sign the dotted line for; also, it was a warning that those leaders who think they can agree to one thing, but turn around and make secret deals to the contrary--they will suffer hardships and may be removed from office; 2) that sometimes it is in God's will for a nation to submit to the leading and authority of another, in this case, the US is being raised up again as a solid world leader to bring changes in laws and societal thinking that align more with God's heart for the nations; it is wise to follow this lead.  The Lord ...

Repentance Brings an End to the Locust Plague

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from Joel chapter 2.  I really like the imagery of that small prophetic book of the Bible, and I like that it is and was spiritually symbolic in nature, in that, the locust plague never took place in the natural, as far as historians know.  But what was really interesting was the special understanding of that book that the Lord gave me back in 2007, showing how He was going to allow this spiritual locust plague to come upon the United States for her rampant idolatry--namely, in the proliferation of witchcraft through the Harry Potter series and other witchcraft entertainment.  Yep, you read correctly; in the summer of 2007 the Lord had me fast for 40 days leading up to the debut of the seventh book of the Potter series, which I discern, was a tipping point and altogether different book in the series that paved the way for spiritual locusts to descend upon the United States and bring ruin, sickness, oppression, and every other cu...

Midterm Joy

Greetings in the Lord! Watching American politics these days is anything but peaceful.  The constant criticism, strife, and treachery is enough to exhaust even the most apathetic of observers.  And for most of us, we are not used to this kind of politics in the United States, for it has been a long time since we've had this kind of division and raucousness from Washington DC...but it is in our history, though I'll not go into that today.  Instead, today's word comes from 2 Samuel 16, a chapter that tells of a similar time in Israel. The reign of King David was hallmarked by his love and devotion to the Lord, and of his enemies' constant betrayal, criticism, and treachery towards him.  And this doesn't even include his enemies outside of Israel!  In this particular chapter, King David was fleeing the throne because of the uprising of Absalom, his son, who was trying to depose/kill him.  Talk about betrayal!  (King David was not relinquishing the thr...

Goliaths Will Fall

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from some familiar stories, one from the book of Daniel, two passages from Matthew, and the last story from 1 Samuel 17. Each of these stories talks about things that will be happening in this next season.  So, even though it will be a bit turbulent, we can still be excited about what God has in store for us. The first story from Daniel 2 talks about Daniel being able to know and interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The story goes that King Nebuchadnezzar had disturbing dreams in his sleep and woke up so perturbed that he demanded his wise men not only interpret his dreams, but to tell him the dreams that he had or be killed!  Naturally, only Daniel could do this after praying to God Almighty. Well get ready people of God, the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart that He wants to work through his people in this next season in much the same way.  To put them in situations where only they will have the answer, and that by God's ...

Storms on the Horizon

Greetings in the Lord! It's been a while since I have blogged anything, mainly because it was a busy summer of international travel. Lots happening in the world, that's for sure.  But currently as I settle down for the fall, I've had many days of reading warfare Psalms such as 60, 61, 91, 121, 26, 53 and so on. All of this indicates to me that September and the next month will be a bumpy ride and give reason for more prayerful intercession. It seems that evil schemes are being hatched and are looking to execute attacks and hostilities--its time to hunker down with the Lord until these disasters blow over.  I also see destructive storms in the natural gaining strength--it's time to pray and ask for God's mercy, for all things are under His Sovereign will.  Sometimes I've wondered, "Why does God allow these trials to happen?" But ultimately, these trying circumstances are an opportunity for us to grow stronger in Him; to watch as God exposes, subdues...

Trump Visits the UK

Greetings in the Lord~ Today I quickly saw a headline that Donald Trump will soon be visiting the UK, and really didn't think too much about it---and I really didn't associate it with the passage I had read earlier in Ruth chapter 3.  There we read that Naomi decides it is time to find a husband for Ruth, since she has lost her husband and all her sons, and encourages Ruth to lay at the feet of their kinsman redeemer, Boaz.  However, during my prayer time, the Lord began to show me a familiar vision, one that begins with a loud roaring in the spirit---the lion of Judah has awakened!  I've heard and seen this a couple of times before about the UK and posted about it, the first of which was a month before the riots took place in South London a few years back.  At that time the Holy Spirit was talking about the people of the UK needing to  "find their voice," meaning that they had been living under a stifling spiritual oppression...

The "Roseannes" Among Us

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from two places in Exodus and talks about the same event--the deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt.  In Exodus 3, God tells Moses to go to Pharaoh to tell him to let the people go---but of course he won't---so God will perform mighty miracles to compel him to do so.  In Exodus 11, God tells Moses about the last plague He is sending to Egypt---death of their firstborn, and this will be the final act of God that will cause Pharaoh to tell them to leave Egypt.  It's an interesting story, and overall, we can learn that some people are so bent on wickedness and oppressing others that only when they experience grief from death of a loved one--and that as a direct result of their own actions, will they begin to change their behavior.  Still, we know that his grief was temporary and that Pharaoh ended up pursuing Israel out in the desert which led to his own death.  Such is the spirit of witchcraft anyway; anyone who en...

You Too, Music Industry!

Greetings in the Lord~ The past couple of mornings I have woken up seeing some short dream "scenes" and today I am going to share one with a prophetic word to go with it. In a fast clip of a dream, I saw several tanned, pot-bellied men in swimsuits (yellow Speedos--lol) around a pool.  The way they strutted about in their dark designer sunglasses and gold necklaces, these men were obviously wealthy and powerful in their industry, like stereotypical executives in the music industry (especially of "boy" and "girl" pop bands of the US and UK, including K Pop, J Pop, and young rappers too, I discern).  At first it seemed that some of the men were Jewish, but quickly noticed a golden pentagram shined brightly near the men's right hip.    I discerned that the golden pentagram meant that not only did these guys follow hedonistic, corrupt lifestyles and business practices, but that they might be worshipers of Lucifer as well.  In fact, it se...

God's Perfect Work in Us

Greetings in the Lord, Today's word comes from Micah 6, especially verse 6.  This familiar passage gives us a glimpse into the heart and character of God in a gentle, yet direct way: O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.  It is a passage that by default denounces a "religious" mindset---one that elevates man-made religious rules, judgments and sacrifices higher than the true heart of God, and it gives no room for self-righteousness or self-importance.  When you love mercy like how God loves mercy, you cannot go on treating others with contempt and hatred, or taking advantage of people and situations at every turn for your own benefit.  And to 'do what is right' is not following a religious requirement to the tee, but rather, it is a moral obligation to live with integrity with all people and yourself; to do to others as you'd have them do to...

Ring of FIre

Greetings in the Lord~ The past couple of days I've received passages of Scripture from Nehemiah 3 and Psalms 83, 116, 2, and 20.  In all of these, there is a theme underscoring the verses, and that is of ungodly agendas of nations coming together to gang up and ally against God's servants and shake their fist at God and His plans and purposes.  This is not only unwise and unholy, but it is a futile proposition and most worthy of incurring the wrath of God as a response. "Let us break their chains," they cry, "and free ourselves from slavery to God."  But the One who rules in heaven laughs.  The Lord scoffs at them.  Then in anger He rebukes them, terrifying them with His fierce fury.  Psalm 2:3-5 Now I know that the Lord rescues His anointed king.  He will answer him from His holy heaven and rescues him by His great power.  Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the Lord our God.  Those nations will fall down ...

Born This Day!

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word is exciting, although it might take a moment for it to come to light publicly, it is and already has happened.  From Luke 2:1-7 we read about Jesus being born. Verse 6-7) And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born.  She gave birth to her firstborn son.  She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them. Indeed, this very hour a "birth" has happened--a God-ordained conception has come to fruition and is now a living "baby."  Praise God for His goodness!  Just like in the days of Jesus, his birth took place humbly, under the radar and away from public eyes, amidst all the pomp and circumstance and activities of the day!  While it was foretold years before and many had constructed their own ideas and expectations about how he would be born, where and to whom, and for what purpose, the natural birth took place unassumingly in a most ...

#MeToo Promised in 2013

Greetings in the Lord! Well, from time to time I like to go back and re-read older posts and see how they have been fulfilled.  Sometimes it takes 2-5 years for things to pass, and seeing how we like instantaneous everything, we often do not go back to praise God for the good He has promised and fulfilled in our very midst.  Take, for example, the post from June 27th, 2013 called "Game Changers are Up to Bat." In that post, I shared a word for Hollywood--since God had sent me out there for a 5-day trip to prophecy a specific word to the elite of that industry.   "And that is where I want to begin today's word.  I discern that this word is specifically for those "calling the shots" in Hollywood.  They are the ones who have remained steadfast in reviling God, who have still "prospered" in the turbulence of the past 5 years, and who believe in their hearts that they are above reproach and boast arrogantly of their evil desires and wicked b...

Burning Away Impurities

Greetings in the Lord, This week in prayer I saw a map of China in a vision and fires began to erupt from the southwest corner going up northeast, right through the heartland of China to the northeast coastline.  As I pondered about the nature of those fires, another vision came into view, super-imposing over the map--it was fire from a blast furnace making steel, burning out impurities.  I found that interesting because when I researched the area where the fires first began, it was in the Yunnan province, known for its mining and steel-making.  It was also interesting that the fires were in sharp contrast to the darkness all around, as if these fires of purification were consuming the dust and dirt and darkness itself.  It seems that industries related to the ones that I saw will be undergoing a bit of a purification, maybe a mind-shift in how they are currently run that will root out darkness and allow more quality (i.e. integrity?) to surface.  It...

Do Not Envy the Wicked

Greetings in the Lord! A couple of days ago I received a passage from Ezekiel 8.  It is a chapter sharing the vision the prophet Ezekiel was shown by the Lord while he was still yet living in Babylon. The vision showed all of the idol worship that was going on in the land of Israel (Jerusalem) at the time, from the religious leaders on down to the common people--it was thoroughly corrupted with idol worship.  More than that, it was the reason given for their captivity and exile to Babylon in the first place, though obviously, the people had not changed their ways even though they had gone through many hardships, foreign occupation, and exile since then.  They simply didn't "get it," nor did they want to, it seemed. As I read that passage, I noticed it mentioned specifically about the worship of "Tammuz"--a false god of "new life," vegetation, and springtime, and also the worship of the sun--the most detestable sin shown to Ezekiel in the visio...