Set Free to Worship God Almighty

Greetings in the Lord!

Before we get to today's word, I'd like to acknowledge two recent blog posts and how God continues to fulfill His words before our very eyes.  First, the word about the Lord shining His love as a sign of renewal and commitment through the newly married Justin and Hailey Bieber -- the prophetic word about his marriage was given in 2017 and this summer it sprang forth -- now they just finished doing a photo shoot together highlighting their marriage for all to see.  May God continue to bless and mature this young couple for His glory -- I fully expect his next album to be quite different from his past music and full of his devotion and thankfulness to what God has done in his life. 

The other post had to do with President Macron and other global leaders bringing trouble on themselves as they defiantly go about their own agendas, even spurning the global leadership God has put in place for this period of time, namely, President Trump.  Both Macron and Teresa May have had major difficulties recently and have had to reassess their actions and agendas to proceed forward in their leadership.  Their effectiveness as leaders will be decided ultimately by their willingness to get in line with the plans and purposes of the Lord, and not by appeasing the people around them, however convenient that may be at the moment.  If they seek God's will, they will find it, and that goes for President Trump as well.  No one said leadership would be easy, but no one gets into or stays in power without it being ordained by God, so seek Him while He may be found.

Now for today's word, found in Isaiah 19.  It is a chapter that gives a message of discipline or judgment, whichever you prefer, to the nation of Egypt.  Obviously, in Isaiah's day, it was to the actual country, but nowadays and prophetically speaking it could be a reference to any of Israel's major enemies, literal or symbolic. That always takes discernment to know which the Lord is referring to, and in some cases, the obscurity is necessary so that the meaning / word  can go forth without pointing fingers ahead of time.  Anyway, the chapter says that God is coming against "Egypt" and will cause internal dissensions and hostilities to break out resulting in everyone attacking everyone else, and fear and confusion to come over the land, especially to the leadership and "wise counselors."  Then, the rivers and streams will dry up and the land will not yield a plentiful harvest -- a severe economic downturn and loss of worker morale and opportunity.  A cruel king will rise up to add more misery instead of relief, and all of the "wisdom" of leadership will not work and they will look foolish.  Many will even resort to consulting mediums and spiritualists and diviners, but still, no solutions to help remedy the situation or to revitalize the economy.  Then, something unusual is mentioned in the chapter.

At the point where "Egypt" is beside herself, five cities decide to follow God Almighty, and even the speaking of Hebrew flows from these cities!  Next, an altar to worship God Almighty is erected in the land and people begin to cry out to Him, not their idols.  God hears and raises up a "savior" to rescue them and they begin to truly know and follow God Almighty.  "Yes, they will know the Lord and will bring their sacrifices and offerings to Him.  They will make a vow to the Lord and keep it.  The Lord will strike Egypt, and then He will bring healing.  For the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and He will listen to their pleas and heal them." Isaiah 19:21-22

Interesting, huh?  First, major judgment comes to a country that currently does not serve the Lord or even allow His worship in the land (little religious freedom), then in desperation of the circumstances that the Lord allows to come against them, they turn to God and He heals them and reveals Himself to them in a powerful way so they come to worship Him and allow some to even speak Hebrew.  This is both an exciting and curious prophetic word indeed!  Let it be as He has said, on earth as it is in Heaven.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 



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