Signs for the Millennial Generation & Global Leadership

Greetings in the Lord!

Recently I have come across pictures of Justin Bieber and his new wife enjoying their time together on vacation and traveling, even some intimate embraces while they are in a tropical place. They look so in love! Recall that back in March of this year the Lord gave the word that he would be married, and sure enough, look at him now! So why is that important? Why does the Lord even care to share about Justin's life with us? Because Justin belongs to God and God delights in his children.

If you go back to July and September of 2017, you might recall that the Lord gave me the word that He was saving people out of the music industry. Part of their deliverance process would include marriage because marriage represents a relationship like what we should have with Jesus Christ. I discerned at the time that their marriage would be a significant sign of their recommitment and relationship back with the Lord. And we have seen this with Justin.

Not only that, but it seems that their very public display of affection for each other is also a sign for a younger generation. Interesting huh? The Lord is already using Justin's life again in a very public way to show reconciliation, rebirth and renewal, all in the form of marriage and love. It is evangelism without words, to show how God loves us and knows us so intimately, and desires to shelter us in His warm, protective arms. I love that!

Also back in March of this year, the Lord spoke to me about Camila Cabello and how the Lord was going to work in her life to reach this younger generation through her song writing. I trust that is happening, but what I did not share was that back in August I went to a Camila Cabello concert and enjoyed it very much.  But much to my surprise, during the concert the Holy Spirit said, "Fifth Harmony would sing together again." I didn't post it on this site at that time because it didn't seem like a major word but just a side comment the Holy Spirit was saying to me. But the funny thing is, the Holy Spirit has talked a lot about Fifth Harmony over the past year!

Here again, there are some Millennial Christians in that group and I discern that the Lord desires to have their lives be signposts to this young generation of God's goodness and presence in the world today. I truly believe that the Lord desires to give them a public platform together again, but this time for His glory. Will they come out as Christian singers? Probably not, but then again, who knows. But what I can say for sure is that, as these girls submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in their lives, their careers will be sustained for His glory. Privately, they may be fearful of taking on a look that is less than industry standard, but the Lord will bless them abundantly for being a faithful witness to Jesus.

 I guess it is the same dilemma for many Christian performers, that a time may come in their careers where they must choose how they will present themselves to the public and how they will show their love for Jesus. Let it be said, that letting your career shine with the light of Jesus Christ will never be a bad thing for you! You will only reap more rewards as you are faithful in the platform that He has given you. The world truly desires to see God's goodness in the Performing Arts! And it is not about being a secular or Christian artist, but it is about letting your faith in Jesus Christ be seen on the platform that He has given you by the way you choose to express your career, and by being a faithful witness in public. I will say it again, that God will bless you abundantly and you will be Head and Shoulders above industry standard when you thought you would be disenfranchised.

To those that say yes to Jesus Christ in their careers, may God bless you, protect you, and sustain you for many Life-giving performing years!

On a side note--a quick update on the previous word given the Lord also gave me Ezekiel 17, which is the parable of the Two Eagles and the Vine. The first Eagle is Babylon that takes the top shoot of the vine, Israel's leaders, into Exile and plants them in good soil----but in Babylon. The second Eagle is Egypt, and the vine that remains set out its roots towards this eagle for water and resources and support. However, by doing so they have broken contract agreement with the first eagle, Babylon. And since the Lord has willed this arrangement, they were in fact, rebelling against God.

This is significant because this week Trump and Macron had another very public falling out in which Macron was prompted to say, "France is not a vassal to the United States." Not a formal arrangement, true, but the Lord has given the United States Global Leadership these days and it is best for countries to follow their leadership. The previous word I wrote also dealt with this issue, so it seems we are entering a season where nations are wanting to throw off authority they feel is being imposed on them. Well, good luck with that! This is the Lord's doing, so it is best to fall in line or surely there will be trouble, and nobody wants that. It is also a mistake to think that the midterm elections fared badly for Trump, as they did not. Instead we will see new faces put into decision-making positions that are really more in line with what the Lord wants for this country and may end up in the long run following Trump's lead better than those currently in those positions. Interesting huh? God is not interested so much in Republican or Democratic affiliations, but he knows people's hearts and he has willed a course of action for this nation--- those who line up will find an ease and enjoyment in their public service. Imagine that!

Be blessed and be a blessing.


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