Song of Victory at Year's End

Greetings in the Lord,

This is a year-end word and what a joy it is to decree it! In fact, it's so good I will just put the psalm that it comes from (21) in its entirety. Yes, it's 13 verses of God's goodness and strength decreeing victory for His people, for we are over-comers in Christ Jesus! Let the promises of this psalm settle in your heart and watch as it unfolds before us, one victory at a time! The battle was long, beloved, but God is decreeing these Victorious promises for us today, enjoy.

How the king rejoices in your strength, oh Lord! He shouts with joy because you give him victory. For You have given him his heart's desire, You have withheld nothing he requested.
You welcomed him back with success and prosperity. You placed a crown of finest gold on his head. He asked you to preserve his life, and You granted his request. The days of his life stretch on forever.
Your Victory brings him great honor, and You have clothed him with Splendor and Majesty. You've endowed him with eternal blessings and given him the joy of your presence. For the king trusts in the Lord, the unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.
You will capture all your enemies. Your strong right hand will seize all who hate You. You will throw them in a flaming furnace when you appear. The Lord will consume them in His anger, fire will devour them. You will wipe their children from the face of the Earth; they will never have descendants. Although they plot against you, their evil schemes will never succeed. For they will turn and run when they see Your arrows aimed at them. 
Rise up, O Lord, in all Your power. With music and singing we celebrate your Mighty Acts.  Psalm 21

For all the faithful believers who have contended, stood firm, and fought many battles this year, sing these Victorious promises over yourself and your loved ones and give God praise!  But the prophetic word does not stop there. 

From Zechariah 13, the Lord promises a pure "fountain" to rise up and cleanse the land from idolatry and false prophetic utterances for the house of David.  With that I discern that the Lord will begin to deal with the anti-Trump movement in very concrete ways, namely, by removing "both the false prophets and the spirit of impurity that came with them."  As serious attempts are made against Donald Trump to remove him from his position, watch as the Lord turns the tables on these instigators and brings them to account for their deceptive ways!  This is the time for people to reap what they've sown with dishonest and witchcraft words.  Do you not know that the Lord blesses those who bless Abraham and his children, and curses those who curse them?  That is why Christians are told to BLESS, BLESS, BLESS your enemies and forgive them and release them to God, our trustworthy Judge, for His just judgments.  Verses 7-9 go on to talk about the Lord coming against the "leaders" (of these movements) by removing them and scattering and purifying the sheep that have followed them.  I discern that this part of the prophetic word will begin quickly and continue throughout 2019-2020. Praise be to God who daily bears our burdens and decrees victory for His people.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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