Word for 2019---Great Winds Churning Up the Waves

Greetings in the Lord~

Just after the New Year holiday, I was praying for a word for the year and instead got what I discern is more of a glimpse of the next two years.  The vision I saw was of very dark skies and intense winds blowing on the open seas.  These were strong Antichrist winds causing the waves on the sea to rage and lash and roar with great ferocity.  In Biblical symbolism, the great sea is the mass of peoples who live in the world, and the waves are those people that will become and are hostile to God and shake their fists at His Law and Sovereignty.

"The floods have risen up, O Lord.  The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves.
But  mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the Lord above is mightier than these!  Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever." Psalm 93:3-5.

Just as I was praying into this vision for more understanding, the Lord said, "Daniel 7."  Immediately I knew it was confirming what I had already discerned -- the winds of the Antichrist will pick up dramatically in the next two years.

"In my vision that night, I, Daniel, saw a great storm churning the surface of the great sea, with strong winds blowing from every direction.  Then four huge beasts came up out of the water, each different from the others."  Daniel 7:2-3.

The winds churn the waters; the waves it creates are those people who become swept up and are blown about by the winds -- demonic doctrines, propaganda lies, cleverly crafted deceptions meant to trick people into believing lies and accepting false narratives and a perversion of God's law and truth in general.  And it isn't like people just believe it, but they become angry and seek to tear down and hinder any of the plans and purposes of God, His people, and anything related to the life-saving gospel of Jesus Christ.  These Antichrist winds are on an all-out assault against God and humanity, but those swept up in its deceptions cannot see or understand that, with many becoming willing and eager agents of evil because they serve the god of this world instead of God Almighty, and desire the riches of this world rather than eternal life with Jesus Christ.

Along with increased persecution and violence toward believers, another area to be vigilant about for Christians is to really guard themselves in what they allow themselves to watch, whether on TV or movies, and especially the internet!!  One of the easiest ways for the enemy to invade a person's soul is through their eyes, and YouTube and Netflix certainly know that!  On the surface, these companies are just profit-driven entities that try to keep your attention to their platform by sending you things you may be interested in -- that's logical.  But, there is much more going on, and much more can be done with such a powerful medium.  We've known about the negative effects of watching too much violent and sexual imagery on television, but now internet "TV" has given people the ability to make binge watching normal, and programming content has gotten decidedly darker, with several of the most binge-watched shows focusing on witchcraft and satanism.  (Even if I had a repulsion to such entertainment, which I do, I would still be bombarded by the commercials for such programming on Netflix.)  Limitless watching of any type of material would probably not be healthy, but mostly, that kind of access provides a fertile environment for mind control programming on the viewer, intentional or not.  Of course, Hollywood already knows that and has been taking advantage of viewers.  But a two-hour movie is nothing like watching Netflix or YouTube all day -- which, sad to say, happens more often than you think.  But as Christians, we will need to avoid watching programming being offered on internet sites like YouTube and Netflix altogether, as I discern that in the next two years there will be a dramatic increase in propaganda type film-making that promotes demonic agendas, lies to slander God's people and tear down all that is godly.  A Christian must protect their eye "gates" with determination!

Also, sites like YouTube will become easy places to post "deep fakes" -- videos that use someone's likeness to promote a message that they never said.  For example, a video of Obama insulting President Trump, which never occurred but looks like he did say it, in a video.  And because people saw it, they are being persuaded to believe it -- and some will, no matter how awful the production.  People can post deep fake videos about anything, so do not believe everything you see, and the best is to avoid these sites now and begin to find healthier outlets for entertainment and cross-reference your news sites.  If you have not seen this technology, check it out for yourself.  But suffice to say, unsuspecting people will be duped, especially as the technology for making fake videos gets better and better.   

Lastly, I also discerned that the need for prayer and intercession will increase exponentially for Christians, for these Antichrist winds will try to stir up violence and persecution against believers worldwide again.  Even President Trump will be forced to his knees to pray for God's direction and protection and strategy as he will not be able to proceed using conventional knowledge and resources alone anymore -- spiritual battles require spiritual weapons and strategies.  By taking refuge in God's Word and through trusting in prayer to the Most High, we will see victory and maintain our shalom. God is forever faithful and delights to save the humble who take refuge in Him.

"The Lord is King!  He is robed in majesty.  Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed in strength.  The world stands firm and cannot be shaken."  Psalm 93:1

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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