Repentance Brings an End to the Locust Plague

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Joel chapter 2.  I really like the imagery of that small prophetic book of the Bible, and I like that it is and was spiritually symbolic in nature, in that, the locust plague never took place in the natural, as far as historians know.  But what was really interesting was the special understanding of that book that the Lord gave me back in 2007, showing how He was going to allow this spiritual locust plague to come upon the United States for her rampant idolatry--namely, in the proliferation of witchcraft through the Harry Potter series and other witchcraft entertainment.  Yep, you read correctly; in the summer of 2007 the Lord had me fast for 40 days leading up to the debut of the seventh book of the Potter series, which I discern, was a tipping point and altogether different book in the series that paved the way for spiritual locusts to descend upon the United States and bring ruin, sickness, oppression, and every other curse mentioned in Deuteronomy 27.  These locusts would enter any building that people had brought those books into: homes, schools, libraries, workplaces, retail stores, etc. and begin to wreak havoc in some way or form.  Sometimes it was very destructive, other times it was a subtle but consistent hardship after hardship.  Interestingly enough, in January of that year, Pat Robertson had prophesied that he saw a large terrorist attack on US soil happening and was ridiculed for his public announcement because it didn't happen.  However, he was correct--but it was in the spirit realm!  Locusts did descend and begin to devour the US and bring like curses upon the land.

I've seen how these curses work (read Deuteronomy 27) and what they look like in most other nations in the world--anywhere where the people do not follow or live in covenant relationship with God Almighty.  In fact, I've spent most of my adult life studying that and seeing it firsthand, and also of how those people just take it in stride not realizing that things could be better or different in their homeland.  Instead, they just look with longing (or long to live) at the US or some other country where blessings for covenant relationship are in activation, for that is the true prosperity that they are envying.  A country's true prosperity hinges on being in covenant relationship with God, not on their GNP or natural riches, or productivity.  All of that can and will fade, be stolen, misused, etc. according to the curses they live under.  However, what I also know and have seen and will decree today prophetically is that with repentance comes restoration!  With covenant relationship any nation can be healed, thrive, and prosper in the goodness of God, for He is not a respecter of persons!

The prophetic message for today is that we are entering a period of restoration and healing for the United States (and other nations) as people repent and come back into relationship with the Lord.  We will begin to see spiritual revival take place all throughout the land, even in arenas that we are not seeing or hearing the Lord being included in the narrative, like in politics, schools, economics, and so on.  Listen and watch as the Lord and His words will start to be proclaimed in an ever increasing way in public forums--for repentance and spiritual revival will descend upon completely secular gatherings!  The unrepentant will mock and continue to be laid waste by devouring locusts, but the repentant will regain their strength, health, prosperity and wisdom as they return to serving and following the Lord's ways.  A greater demarcation will be seen between those who are blessed and those who continue to live under curses.  This growing gap will cause more angst for the lost so that in their rebellion they may come to the end of themselves and turn to God for healing and restoration.  How exciting is that!  A season of accelerated promotion and restoration for repentant hearts!  In the name of Jesus, we decree that the blessings of God will break and overtake every curse for contrite and repentant people; the blood of Jesus will wash us clean and we will rejoice in the goodness of God and thank Him for the outpouring of His love and new wine upon us.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.                   


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