Enter Through the Gate in the Wall

Greetings in the Lord,

Early on, when President Trump was campaigning about building a wall on the US southern border, it was funny, everyone chanting "Build the wall!" at his rallies. I really didn't think too much about it, but was entertained by the fervor of the crowd. Then, one day the Lord started to speak to me about walls. Most of the cities in the Old Testament had walls around them, in fact, many of the modern homes in Saudi Arabia still do! They serve a purpose, obviously, to keep thieves out, for safety, and there's nothing immoral about staying safe. But that wasn't what the Lord was talking to me about necessarily.

No, the Lord was talking about rebuilding walls, the walls of morality in a person's life, walls of integrity, distinction in the Lord, not being like the world, with the wall a barrier that would keep the good in and the evil out. The Lord was also talking about rebuilding the walls of our nation, as far as the same issues were concerned and it reminded me of the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was called to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and it was an issue of respect and dignity and as much as safety. The wall represented God's sureness and protection and favor for Jerusalem and for Israel.  It was then that I realized that the wall issue was not a small matter, spiritually speaking, and it made more sense to me why President Trump is so determined to build it.  He is being moved in the natural by what he doesn't know is the desire of the Lord in the Spirit.  Yes, many of the walls of the inhabitants of the United States have been laid low by immorality, idol worship, and perpetual lust for the world and its riches.  We are in need of spiritual revival and return to covenant obligations for blessings, i.e, to rebuild the walls of integrity with God in our nation and lives individually again.

It's interesting that when you read Revelation chapter 21, you will find much of the chapter details the walls of the New Jerusalem that will be one day. The city is a perfect square, with walls that are 216 ft thick with 12 layers of gemstones, 12 gates, and 12 angels guarding those gates in the wall. It's a beautiful sight, Scripture tells us, and it also has the purpose of determining who can get in and who stays out.

"Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty -- but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life." Revelation 21:27.

It's pretty clear that the wall serves an important purpose and is less about protection then about spiritual Purity remaining inside. Not to say that Americans are spiritually pure! But I do believe it is the desire of the Lord to have nations remain spiritually pure in their relationship with Him.  As a model for us, the Lord put a wall around the New Jerusalem.  It is symbolic of the holy distinction, fortitude, and awesomeness of Our Lord in the city where he chooses to dwell with His people. Looking at it from this perspective, we can see that walls are significant. I also find it interesting that Scripture says there are 12 gates that are never closed day or night because actually, there is no night in this New City--God's Presence illuminates the city continually! Therefore, the righteous may enter at any time.  The whole chapter is a beautiful allegory of what it will be like for a community of righteous inhabitants living in the presence of God.

As for us now, the shutdown/showdown continues in the US over the building of the wall. Those who oppose it say it is immoral, unnecessary, and will not be sufficient as tunnels will likely be dug under it to get through anyway, and they may be right about future tunnels being dug.  But walls are significant, and legality very much matters.  And what is happening in the spirit realm will manifest in some way and form in the natural, if it is the Lord's will.  Pay attention to the issues that are being fought over in the United States these days--even if you have to turn down the volume of most news shows!  Truth, legality, equity, and integrity are all issues central to much of Scripture and the humble person will pursue it in all his ways and enter through the gate in the wall.     

~Be blessed and be a blessing.
P.S. By nightfall, it seemed the Lord had decided about some things as He gave me Nehemiah 2 to read. In that chapter, Nehemiah is grieved over the state of Jerusalem and it's torn down walls and sees it as a disgrace.  So he asks the king for permission to go to Jerusalem, and for the supplies and authority to rebuild the city's wall....and the King grants his request.


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