The God of Mysteries is on the Move
Greetings in the Lord! About three weeks ago I turned to Daniel 2--the passage about Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the giant statue. There were two things that stuck me as I read the story. First, Nebuchadnezzar used the dream as a test for all of his "wise men"--tell me the dream and its meaning or die. Nothing like being put to the test! It seemed that God wanted to sift all of the white noise that was filling the king's ear and show him who was the real deal from among his counselors. The king's rage at the wise men who said it couldn't be done was a righteous anger--he could see them for the charlatans that they were. Daniel kept his cool and asked the commander of the king's guard for more time, then he got his praying buddies together to petition the Lord for an answer--and God responded! The world has been full of such white noise for a long time--man's conventional wisdom will be put to the test and s...