
Piece of Puzzle

Greetings in the Lord! Well, I did not fall off the face of the earth, as it may seem, when I went to Korea, but have been busy working and getting settled in. However, over the Lunar New Year I was able to take a short trip to one of Korea's hot springs locations. Very relaxing and fun! There are many mountains in Korea as you may know, so in addition to the indoor and outdoor spas, we walked around the hillside to the obstacle courses, gardens and pagodas, amusement park and snow hill the hot spring park had put together for tourists. Something fun for everyone. Now the weekend was so perfect I figured that God wanted me to see something, so I kept my eyes alert....but honestly, didn't see anything out of the usual. Then on the last morning we were at the hot springs I had an unusually vivid dream. I was riding with a group of people in a van and arrived at my destination. I and a young person with really long, black curly hair got out and ran off together in the tall grass t...

Laughing It Up in the UK

Greetings in the Lord! Recently I shared pictures and a blog about my new abode and work arrangement in Korea--which I still have to pinch myself about! It's just too cool! Then, as I was lesson planning and searching out resources online I decided to check the status of my book online, too. I was floored to find out that websites in several countries, including Japan, Canada, Germany and the UK, are listing my book for sale and that in the UK it is actually 7th on the Best Selling list for the past 90 days...but here's the kicker, the genre that lists it is the Mind, Body, Spirit/Divination one. The Lord had put on my heart quite some time ago that He was going to use my book to reach many different niches of people, but it is so strange to watch it hap...

Feet Carrying Good News in the Mountains

Greetings in the Lord! Well, often the New Year can usher in more than a change of mind and heart, but also a change in location as well. As of January 12t h , I have moved to Korea to teach English for 2010. And what a pleasant surprise it has turned out to be! With a group of 11 Americans I made my way over and am busy teaching at an English school for Korean students--elementary all the way up to businessmen and Korean teachers in professional development. Our school is nestled in the mountains and has a pretty view from any angle, but is still conveniently located near to a large metropolitan city. Our students come from all over the country,however, and usually live on campus for a week or more. Currently our school is being replicated in several other countries for its unique teaching style and philosophy--complete English immersion in a pseudo city-like environment. It's the closest thing our students can come to being in an English-speaking culture without leaving Kor...

2010: Joshua Moves Forward

Greetings in the Lord! 2010 is here-- yippee ! But before we move on, how many of you were wondering if you were going to get out of 2009 in one piece? Me too, I must admit. It was a curve ball right from the beginning when I found myself grappling with a sudden job loss. And while the Lord had been preparing me for that to happen, I resisted it every step of the way. Why? I believed it was my "dream job." Yes, I was happy as a bug in a rug and then it was gone! In a blink of an eye--with salt thrown in for good measure--I left blurry-eyed and angry. "It was an assignment, not a career move," the Holy Spirit confided to me. "Well, OK, if you say so," I said, but in my heart was sad and mad and learned again another very important lesson with God: Sometimes worldly loss produces spiritual gain. After allowing me time to grieve and just sit in His presence saying nothing--for I had nothing to say--He gently began to console me and woo me back, teaching me an...

Now is the Time for Israel

Greetings in the Lord! I want to share with all of you a very profound dream I had yesterday, coupled with the vision and prophetic word the Lord gave to me on Saturday, when I was at the Messianic congregation I go to on Shabbat . As all dreams of major significance with the Lord, I will wake up extremely tired, almost like I am sick or something; this has happened only a handful of times. In the dream I was lying down sleeping in a field with many other soldiers, both male and female. Apparently we had been sleeping for quite some time and bodies were strewn everywhere, next to and on top of each other as if they just collapsed on the spot. Very slowly we gained consciousness and greeted each other as comrades would. "Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains o...

King of the Mountain

Greetings in the Lord! I don't know about you, but I kind of like it when God gives a dream of significance to ponder and think about for awhile; then, I get to take it before Him for clearer understanding and discernment. I mean, isn't fun to just get a piece of something from God in a dream and chew on it for a while? For me it's like gnawing on a strip of quality beef jerky, the taste is just as salty and spicy the whole time you're eating it--delicious! Well, maybe that's a little hard for you to relate to, but that's what it's like for me. Anyway, the dream I had this morning had so many meaningful details to think about that when I brought the dream to God in prayer later on, He took me to the small book of Obadiah for understanding--which added to the intrigue of it all! Why the simple and unassuming book of Obadiah? The message in it is so direct: because Edom sat by and watched as Israel was ransacked, then gloa...

Deborah, Arise!

Greetings in the Lord! Well, I want to share with you another word about a person many of us are familiar with, but before I do, I would like to preface it with this: please pray for those American icons who have shaped the music and entertainment (movies/ TV /radio) industry around the world, as they are being shaken in a most dramatic way this season. There is a "changing of the guard," so to speak, and I pray that many in these industries will give praise to God as their last breath is spoken. And although I am excited to know that God will be raising up a new generation of zealous and devout celebrities (like Janine Turner for example), and reviving the repentant ones as they turn to Him (Whitney Houston and others), I am sad to see the stubborn struggle others have embraced and the misery they bring on themselves as a result. ( The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. Psalm 16:4 .) That leads me to this celebrity, who I have prayed for over the years...

With Foreign Lips God Will Speak

Greetings in the Lord! As usual I let too much time go by before sharing what the Lord is saying these days in general, and also what He is doing in my life. For starters, He had put on my heart that He was going to open some doors to speak about the book I've just put out, "Fire of the Orange Ball," and I've walked through those doors. Last week I was invited to speak on Islam to a grassroots political organization, "Act! for America." They have about 78,000 members nationwide, with about 1,500 members in this particular Denver chapter alone. Needless to say I was pretty excited. You can be sure that there are many opinions on the subject of what to do about the growing Islamization in America, but the Lord put on my heart to really emphasize to that group the necessity to evaluate their own hearts first--was fear, hate or pride behind any of their motives for getting involved with that issue? If so, they would only be engaging in a rock throwing contest so...

Restored in New York

Greetings in the Lord! This weekend was spent at Wal mart getting new tires for my car and shopping for yet another big winter storm to blow in....which it did. As I waited in the long check out line, then sat for an even longer time for my car to get taken care of, I read several different magazines all featuring the latest news on Hollywood celebrity lives. It never ceases to amaze me what the Holy Spirit will say about some of the people written about so frequently in these know, they are just people, too, searching for God and the peace, joy, and unconditional love that only Jesus can give. And God is continuing to stir hearts in Hollywood and shake that place. Take Angelina Jolie, for example. Way back when she was still married to Billy Bob Thornton the Lord gave me a dream about her. In the dream, she and I were boarding a little airplane at a private airport in England and I ended up sitting next to her. During the flight I talked to her about Jesus and of all t...

Coming Home

Greetings in the Lord! This morning when the Lord had me read from Ezra 7:11-28, I kind of thought, "Well, OK, this is a letter from King Artaxerxes to Ezra granting him and any other Israelite the freedom to return to Jerusalem--why am I reading this?" But when I re-read it I could see that this edict was big news AND it was a decree for gold, silver, animals for sacrifices and anything else they needed, to be given to the returning Jews as well. A very generous decree indeed. Lastly, it called for the establishment of Jewish officials in the region to be set up all at Ezra's command. That was really big and great news for the the time. But what about now? Well, right after that I came across an article that talked about how Jews from all over the world are returning to Israel to live for free for a period of time, with Hebrew classes made available to them, as well as housing and job opportunities. In fact, the article says that record numbers are...

Fire of the Orange Ball

Greetings in the Lord! I have some good news to share--the wait is over for my book! Yes, it's true, it's now available on at: id =1257435564&s r =1-1 I'm pretty excited to say the least. For all of you who have felt like you've been pregnant (or actually been pregnant!) with a special project, idea, or creative endeavor from the Lord, you will know what I'm talking about when I say it a huge relief to finally give birth! Praise God for His sustained strength and grace to bring to completion all that He has willed to be. May it be used to bring glory to His name. The book itself covers a span of 13 years which includes my entire international playing career, born-again experience, and calling of the Lord to prophetic ministry. It reads more like one story unfolding into the next, which as we all know, is how life goes. And whether we realize ...

I'd LIke to Call My Life-Line, Regis

Greetings in the Lord! Yesterday the Holy Spirit was talking about how just as many evangelists have a healing gift and preachers have a teaching gift, many prophets are gifted with raising the dead by speaking the Lord's words of life to others. As I pondered that I recalled that Elijah had cried out to the Lord for the widow's son to be revived and the Lord returned his life, and that Elisha did the same with another little boy. "OK, Lord, why are you telling me this?" I asked. Later that day I spoke with a young man from New Orleans. As he shared his story about all the places he has lived since being displaced from there (from Hurricane Katrina), I felt that our conversation was a divine appointment. One of the recent cities he has lived at was Austin, Texas, so we began to compare stories (I had lived there in the early 90s). As it turned out, he too loved the city but had a traumatic spiritual experience there similar to myself. I listened as he said he w...

The Odyssey

Greetings in the Lord! It's been funny to me how the Lord has been talking about the United States and of her educational/political/linguistic heritage descending from the ancient Greeks. While many of my studies over the years had included these (I was a politics major with science, math & education classes), I had never really thought about how much of our culture had been impacted by Greek mathematicians , doctors and philosophers. Imagine too, how surprised I was when the Lord started to teach me about some of the demonic strongholds in our nation as having their roots in Greek mythology and paganism. Weird stuff. Actually, when I realized that the apostle Paul had evangelized in much the same environment , I got a better understanding of what the Lord was talking about. So, when the Holy Spirit quickened my spirit with this prophetic word, I was able to understand where He was coming from and appreciated its relevance all the more. He said this, "Just as Odysseus wa...

I Look to You

Greetings in the Lord! Well, the summer is over and fall always zooms in like a whirlwind. I've had so many things to write about lately, but honestly, have gotten out of habit of writing as I felt this summer it was imparative to finish up on my book...btw, it will be available on in a couple of weeks! :) So, now with only finishing details left to go, it's back to sharing with all of you some of the things that have been going on. On September 1st, as I was editing one of the chapters in my book, I came across a prophetic word the Lord gave regarding His love and earnest plea to Black American celebrities for them to return to Him. He said this, in the summer of 2005: “Return to Me, O My children! Return to Me! Whitney, sing for Me! Run for Me, Ricky! Denzel, My son, come back to Me. Puffy, it matters not what is on the outside but let the inside be clean. Return to Me, My children! BB, play for Me!” After I read that I saw an online article about Whitney Houston p...

Political Participants Not Bystanders

Greetings in the Lord! Recently the Lord had me read Mark 12:13-17, then again for emphasis, Matthew 22:15-22. Both passages tell the story of Jesus being set up by Pharisees and the Herodians by their asking him, "Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, "You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought him a denarius, and he asked them," Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?" "Caesar's," they replied. Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." While there are many things to be gleaned from that story, I immediately discerned by looking at the pile of "junk mail" I'd received from political organizations that the Lord was asking me to start sowing financially to some of these organizations. Why? Because they are stepping in and speaking out where the...

Stanley Hotel

Greetings in the Lord! Have you ever been praying to God about one thing and have Him completely shift gears on you and throw in a "curve ball" assignment? Well, God likes to do that to me from time to time. Like, take this past Monday for example. Monday was my day off of work and out of the blue I had the strong desire to drive two hours to Estes Park, Colorado and take a historic/ghost tour at the famous Stanley Hotel. If you will recall, this is the hotel where Stephen King got the idea and wrote his book, The Shining. Never having been there, it seemed doubly odd that I would desire to go and take a ghost tour too, as I'm not normally inclined to do such things. Well, if anyone saw the ABC television version of The Shining mini-series, they would most certainly recognize the sights, as it was filmed entirely at the Stanley and they have not changed anything since then. And well, I did get the creeps a couple times on the tour and easily felt the presence of unclean s...

Chanel No. 7

Greetings in the Lord! "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth--for your love is more delightful than wine. Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the maidens love you!" Song of Songs 1:2-3 I wanted to share with all of you the rather unique season of ministry that I've been in since May. Actually, preparation for this season began in March when the Lord brought to my attention a genre of video/ internet games that are quite popular these days--they have to do with Greek mythology (and the paranormal and possession). I was flabergasted to find out that these types of games have given birth to a whole undercurrent or sub-culture within the "gaming" industry and growing leaps and bounds into "conventional" culture as well that is hostile to Christianity. Entire social lives are being spent participating in these games, which is leading to a resurgence of demonology, ( ie , Greek mythology) wit...

Get Informed--A Testimony

Greetings in the Lord! I am having a busy summer as I'm sure many of you are, but wanted to take a minute to pass along an article written by an ex-Muslim now living in the US. He sheds light on some current happenings in the Muslim world that are very important for Westerners, especially Christians, to be aware of: what happens when a Muslim converts to Christianity. ~If You Convert You Die By: Nonie Darwish ~ (Monday, August 03, 2009 ) A Muslim woman openly challenges Islamic apostasy laws from within the Muslim world. Very few people in the West know what is going on inside the Muslim world and what it portends for them. The fact is that through the dominant media, such as CNN, Americans are subjected to much of the same misinformation with regard to Islam that I grew up with inside the Muslim world. The result is that Americans are in the dark attempting to formulate their strategy of how to defend themselves against the th...

News from LA

Greetings in the Lord! Over the 4 th of July I was out in LA. No matter how many times I visit there, I never ceased to be amazed by the propaganda the enemy puts out nonchalantly in movies to try and undermine or mock the move of God happening there. For example, the past couple of times the Lord had me go out there for ministry, one of the prophetic words He had me share was about the raising up of " Esthers " and " Deborahs " within the Hollywood celebrity community. Many of these women may or may not know the Lord intimately now, but the Lord is stirring their hearts just the same for spiritual revival and salvation. So what poster is plastered all around LA at the moment? "Orphan;" with the leading character a disturbed orphan girl named, you guessed it, Esther. She appears so angelic and cute that the family loves to bring her home, but then the rest of the story is all a Hollywood horror film. There have been several prophetic words concerning God ...

Just Say No to Harry Potter

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word actually takes me back two years ago to when the Lord first began speaking from Joel 2:1-17. In the month of June the Lord told me to fast for 40 days so I did. At that time I was living near to St. Louis, Missouri and working at a YMCA day camp for school-aged children. It was a valuable teaching season as well as "assignment" from the Lord, as He was showing me firsthand the devastating effects of witchcraft and sorcery (mainly in the form of Harry Potter books) on children and adults alike. At this day camp most of the counselors were really into Harry Potter and a good number of the children, too. The Lord showed me demons and unclean spirits that were in and around those people, and also the common "side effects" for them both physically and behaviorally. I was shocked! Not only were the kids negatively affected health wise with ADD, diabetes, accident/sickness prone, etc., but I saw rampant bullying, the speakin...