
Persevere, Abner Goes To David

Greetings in the Lord! For the past couple days the Lord has been having me read the stories of David and Nehemiah and their many struggles with staunch adversaries on their way to re-build and rule in Israel. Often times their encounters included mockery, deceit, hostility, and malice, not to mention being falsely accused of various things and betrayals, even in close relationships. The verse in 2 Samuel 3:1 says it all : "The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker." Yep, the war was long, but slowly David's strength grew and his family (supporters) increased--and he did indeed get to be king over all of Israel. Yet there were many times that David and Nehemiah had cried out to God to save them from their enemies! Everyday was touch and go, especially for the re-building of the wall for Nehemiah. "They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, ...

Winds to Free Elam

Greetings in the Lord! I wanted to take a moment and share with you all a word the Lord gave eariler this month, given on May 2, 2008. "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'See, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might. I will bring against Elam the four winds from the four quarters of the heavens; I will scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam's exiles do not go. I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who seek their lives; I will bring disaster upon them, even my fierce anger,' declares the Lord. 'I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them. I will set my throne in Elam and destroy her king and officials,' declares the Lord. 'Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come,' declares the Lord. ~I actually did not know for what nation the Lord was referring to until after the giant Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar (the next day). Yes, the "four winds fro...

Samuel Answered, "Here I am."

Greetings in the Lord! Today the Lord had me read 1 Samuel 3, the story where God calls three times to an unknowing young Samuel. As you may recall, Eli finally figured out that the Lord was calling to Samuel and instructed the boy to respond accordingly. We know that in these days of the "hearts of the fathers returning to the sons, and hearts of the sons returning to the fathers," much instruction is being called for on the part of the older generation to lovingly direct our younger generation, a generation that by in large and as of yet, does not "know" Him. I recall also when this Scripture passage was given as a word to one of my younger Syrian teammates back in the Fall of 2003. She had a pure heart, as did many of my younger teammates, and she was serving the Lord as best she knew how...but "did not yet know the Lord." One day she came to me with a question about whether she should be covered or not (wear the hajib). Even though I am Christian ...

Do Not Fear What They Fear

Greetings in the Lord! Not too long ago the Lord had me read Isaiah chapters 7-8 and gave a word about it (see April 22). Again the Lord refers us to those chapters and gives us a word: V.5-9) Aram, Ephraim and Remaliah's son have plotted your ruin, saying, "Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it." Yet this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "'It will not take place, it will not happen, for the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damasucs is only Rezin....The head of Ephraim is....only Remaliah's son. If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.' " The Lord was assuring king Ahaz of Judah that though Ephraim and Aram were joined together to invade, divide and plunder Judah, it would not happen. The Lord was even willing to give a sign to king Ahaz to encourage and strengthen his faith. Can you see the same in our election race? There are candidates tha...

A Two Bit from Tobit

Greetings in the Lord! The past couple of days the Lord has been having me again read the Apocryphal books, especially the book of Tobit. In this book one of the main characters, Tobit, stresses several times to his son the importance of almsgiving. " Set aside part of your goods for almsgiving. Never turn your face from any poor man and God will never turn His from you. Measure your alms by what you have; if you have much, give more; if you have little, give less, but do not be mean in giving alms. By doing so, you will lay up for yourself a great treasure for the day of necessity. For almsgiving delivers from death and saves men from passing down to darkness. Alms is a most effective offering for all those who give it in the presence of the Most High ." Tobit 4:7-11. For those of you who get bent out of shape that the Lord would have me study the Apocryphal books, the same principle Tobit teaches his son can also be found in Ecclesiastes 11:2) "Give portions to ...

Arms Lifted Up

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word caught me a little off guard, I must admit. As I was praying this morning the Holy Spirit said, "Black folks." I wasn't at first sure of what He meant but soon all of the "black folks" that the Lord had put in my life over the years to encourage, strengthen, and enable me to overcome whatever circumstances I may have been going through at the time ran through my mind like a favorite song. Literally, I went all the way back to when I was just a pre-schooler in a church that had a Sunday school teacher named Simon, a wise and loving old black man. He was very old and still had memories of the Old South and how his family dealt with and overcame the issue of slavery. Of course at that tender age I didn't comprehend his stories or wisdom but only responded to his kindness, a reflection of Jesus in his heart. I recalled past black familes who were my coaches, elementary principal, and friends. Yes, many friends along ...

Sure Sign of Deliverance

Greetings in the Lord! Lately the Lord has been having me read Isaiah chapters 7-8. Those chapters tell a story about King Ahaz of Jerusalem being scared about the impending threat of King Rezin of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel. Isaiah the prophet is sent to King Ahaz to give him a word of encouragement, saying that he should not lose heart, but be assured of God's deliverance, as the Lord says: "'It will not take place, it will not happen, for the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is only Rezin. Within sixty-five years Ephraim will be too shattered to be a people. The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is only Remaliah's son. If you do not stand firm in your faith you will not stand at all.'" Isaiah 7:7-9. Then Isaiah goes on to say that the Lord will give a sign of sure deliverance, which taken literally, was going to be the birth and subsequent age that boy will be (around 2 yrs old) when fullfillment ...

University Shakeup

Greetings in the Lord! I wanted to share an update about the time the Lord sent me to Adrian College last year. During my brief stay there, the Lord had filled my nights with dreams and days with words for the students, faculty, and administration--the nature of which could be summed up with this word: "The Lord is going to shake this place." The Lord showed me dreams in which I saw and heard the male athlete mentality and perpetual sexual violence towards the girls on that small campus, even prompting me to speak with administrators warning them about the dangers of sex crimes and gang rapes against female students. In the daytime I witnessed theft and general disregard for morality and racial/sexual equality in the faculty of the athletic department, even an effort to hide crimes committed by athletes. The Lord had me again speak His words, which were not well received and warnings not heeded. In January of 2008, things started to be revealed publically. First, the coll...

Jubilee in Colorado Springs!

Greetings in the Lord! I wanted to share with all of you some exciting things that have happened this week. About a month ago the Lord put on my heart to go to the US Apostolic Alliance meeting that happened in Colorado Springs, CO earlier this week. It was hosted by Dutch Sheets and Peter Wagner and featured Chuck Pierce, Barbara Yoder, Dennis Peacocke and a couple others. The prophetic words given were a summation of what the Lord is doing and will be accomplishing in our nation in the time to come. Needless to say, the meeting was intensely powerful. Most interesting to me was the nature of the event--to launch the US Apostolic Alliance, a grassroots movement of God. Dutch Sheets was "knighted" by two apostles of Native origin, the original "landowners" of Colorado, and of all North America for that matter. Those two apostles had been appointed to represent all of the tribes of Native people in America, in which there were about 15-20 tribes representatives in a...

In August the Lord Prunes the Ripening Grapes

Greetings in the Lord! Well, you may recall the last word the Lord gave us about the election process...Hillary Clinton was on a SNL skit in which she was filled with "holy laughter", according to the Spirit. And yes, true to the word given that day, Hillary Clinton did well on 'super Tuesday,' defying all the odds and winning Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island to put her back in the race. Today's word from the Lord speaks again about the Presidential race; it is taken from Isaiah 18, of which I will give select verses: ..."Go, swift messengers, to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers. All you people of the world....when a banner is raised on the mountains, you will see it, and when a trumpet sounds, you will hear it. This is what the Lord says to me: "I will remain quiet and well look on from My dwelling place, like shimmering heat in the sunshine"......

Holy Laughter to Defy the Odds

Greetings in the Lord! The Lord today continues with His words on our Presidential election process. This morning after prayer the Holy Spirit played in my mind again the Saturday Night Live sketch from this past weekend that featured Hillary Clinton. In the sketch, one of the cast members dresses up like her and makes fun of her laugh, and Hillary said, "Do I really laugh like that?" And of course, she does, so it was really funny. The sketch was light and humorous overall and Hillary seemed full of joy and very maybe she had given up on the race and felt she didn't have anything to lose. Well, the Holy Spirit said to me: "Holy laughter." I discern that Hillary has abandoned all her striving to win the race and just turned it over to God---and you know what? God filled her heart with joy! Win or lose, she laughed in the face of a 0-14 run of electoral loses. She laughed in the face of all the political analysts saying losses in Texas and Ohio wo...

Important Word About Prophetic Words

Greetings in the Lord! Several times in the Gospels Jesus warned his disciples about deception in the End Times, namely through the coming of false Christs and false prophets. Jesus said to them: "Watch out that no one deceives you. Many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and will deceive many.....At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible." (Mark 13:5-6, 21-22). How would it be possible to deceive the elect? In Matthew 7:15-23 Jesus gives the telltale sign of a false prophet: bad fruit. So--what is 'bad fruit'? The American church likes to call 'bad fruit' any word that doesn't make them 'feel-good,' causes controversy, or doesn't line up with their understanding of Scripture. Makes me wonder how Paul would've gotten alon...

No More Politically Correct Prophecy

Greetings in the Lord! I want to share with you about a recent, and very relevant experience and word from the Lord. It began a week ago with a dream. In this dream, a very good-looking uncircumcised man came to me holding out a piece of paper in his hand for me to take. The situation seemed harmless and attractive, but a voice from behind me said, "He is an enticing spirit." Immediately I became angry and yelled at him in Jesus' name to leave and never come back. Upon waking from that dream I opened my Bible to 2 Kings 12. That is a story about an enticing spirit coming to all of King Ahab's "prophets" and putting lies in their mouths of success in battle (telling King Ahab what he wanted to hear). I knew it was confirmation of the dream's meaning and that the Lord was preparing me for an "enticing spirit" (but I did not know who, what, when, or where). Then this past weekend I went to a prophetic conference in Denver. I enjoyed the co...

Nicodemus for President

Greetings in the Lord! This weeke the Lord again talks more about the US politcal race for President, citing John chapter 3 as our frame of reference. "Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again....Flesh gives birn to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit....The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." ~After Nicodemus expresses his skepticism, Jesus goes on to tell him that he cannot talk to him more about 'heavenly things' if he cannot even believe when he speaks of 'earthly things.' The ...

Seeing With Good Eyes

Greetings in the Lord! I wanted to share with you an urgent word that the Lord has been repeating to me over the past few days; a word about Herod, bad fruit, and spiritual blindness. First, in Matthew 2 we read that Herod found out about the baby Jesus and set out to destroy him....but was tricked by the Magi and Joseph fled with his family, so Jesus was safe. Next, we hear John the Baptist calling out to the people, "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance....The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." (Matthew 3:8,10). Finally, in John 9 we read a story about Jesus healing a man born blind and the Pharisees question, then denounce the healing and Jesus. Jesus responds to the situation this way: V 39-41) Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind." Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say ...

Marriage in the Mountains

Greetings in the Lord! Recently I've been reading an 8-day prayer "focus" prepared by a respected prophetic voice directed at getting people launched into 2008, a year of "new beginnings." Today's Scripture passages were taken from Genesis 1, Exodus 1, Joshua 1, 1 Samuel 1, Matthew 1, and Acts 1 and dealt mainly with significant Biblical births, new endeavors, and the Creation story. After reading those passages, I asked the Holy Spirit what I should be getting out of those "new beginning" chapters from the Bible, and He led me to read Jeremiah 4:23-28) "I looked at the earth, and it was formless and empty; and at the heavens, and their light was gone. I looked at the mountains, and they were quaking; all the hills were swaying. I looked, and there were no people; every bird in the sky had flown away. I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert; all its towns lay in ruins before the Lord, before His fierce anger. This is what the Lord sa...

The Wild West

Greetings in the Lord! Today the Lord is putting on my heart Joel chapter 3, of which I will share selected verses: v. 1-2)"In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning My inheritance, My people Israel, for they scattered My people among the nations and divided up My land." v. 12-13)"Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all nations on every side. Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the winepress is full and the vats overflow--so great is their wickedness! v.14,16)"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision....The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble. But the Lord will be a r...

Crucial Update

Greetings in the Lord! I wanted to give you an update about a word given in January of 2006. The word was: "Before the beginning of 2008, the European Union will pass its constitution," thereby making the EU an official governing body. You may recall, that in 2004 there was a push to ratify th at Constitution, which was struck down by referendum in only France and Holland in 2005. After a "cooling off period," the ball was picked up again early in 2007. In a nutshell, EU officials simply renamed the Constitution a "Treaty" (of Lisbon), made slight legal modifications, dropped the formal use of the EU flag and emblem, and changed its exclusive reference to Europe's Christian heritage to an all-inclusive religious stance and reference to "humanism." Otherwise, the EU "Constitution" remins essentially the same. On December 18th, 2007 the Treaty of Lisbon was sealed, and now awaits passage (walk-throughs) in the governments of the...

The Long Race

Greetings in the Lord! While many prophetic voices are writing about the "new beginnings" of 2008, the Lord has been really speaking to me about the presidential race of this year. One word keeps ringing in my spirit: 'process.' I discern that this year's election race will be divinely used as a "process" to reveal heart conditions of our people, even within the Body of Christ, as we engage in dialogue and debate about who we want for president and why. Pay attention to the conversations around you and of your own words, too. For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. And do not be quick to join in the political debates, for what do we know, really? In Matthew chapter 20, there are 3 stories that deal directly or indirectly with the "first being last, and the last being first." In the one story, the early workers were indignant because the later ones got paid the same wage as they did, even though they did less of the work. I discer...

2008--New Beginnings

Happy 2008! Well, it is good to be back writing last, the hiatus has come to an end and it's time to start sharing with you all again. :) With no further adieu, I have a couple things to write about. First, I want to share the scripture passage the Lord has given me for 2008, from the book of Haggai, especially chapter 2. Haggai 2:6-9) "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea, and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the Lord Almighty. 'The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,' declares the Lord Almighty. 'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the Lord Almighty." Specifically for the American Church I see it like this: we are like a bag of flour being...