A White Witch is Still a Witch

Greetings in the Lord!

This morning I awoke from a dream that I discern is a warning dream.  It went like this.

A woman who looked like Margret Thatcher arrived in a large city that seemed to be Moscow.  Her straw-like blond hair shown brightly in contrast to the dim, wintry afternoon.  Though it was perfectly coiffed, it gave hint of her mean, deceptive, inner thoughts.  Her stylish grey-white trench coat emanated importance and a strong, foul presence.  The planner of trouble and death had arrived. 

She rejoiced at all the regal, red brick buildings that surrounded her, as they seemed to confirm her will to dominate, her assumed nobility and right to power and status.  With a big, smug smile she inhaled deeply the unfriendly, freezing air.  "I like it here," she said with a seductive drawl to her male assistants who were wearing all black.  "That's because it's as cold-hearted and cruel as you, my dear," he complimented with a sly grin.  That made her smile all the more. 

Soon they entered a red building with a skating rink and were all alone---powerfully, gracefully dominating the ice beneath them.  No one saw or was aware of their calculated practicing, their perfect execution of skillful, cutting maneuvers.  After they left, the hockey teams arrived, and so did the happy spectators....it was a recipe for disaster.  The people said they were going to "Boston" to watch the game...

~I discern that this is a direct warning for Russia, whether in Moscow or Sochi, I cannot be sure.  So, I encourage everyone who believes in prayer to lift up petitions to God, that any and all plots of violence would be thwarted and come to nothing.  That God would quicken the hearts, and eyes, and ears of all the security and people to expose and dismantle completely the violent plots of the wicked.  I pray that the enemy would be bound on earth, as it is in heaven, and cast out to where Jesus sends them.  May God give His peace in Russia, and angels to protect all His people.  Amen

Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples.  For great is His love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.  Praise the Lord.  Psalm 117

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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