Houseguests No More, In Jesus' Name

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word is actually several Scriptures from the book of Proverbs, my favorite book in the Bible.  As you may know, Proverbs is a collection of short bits of wisdom, and lends itself very nicely for us practical and pragmatic types.  For those who say, "The Bible is confusing," they could start to read there.  The Scriptures are short and sweet, and for the most part, plain to understand.

Now, having said all that, I would just like to add that many Proverbs are a lot more literal than we can understand, too.  Take, for example, today's starting verse:
Proverbs 21:16)
A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead.
What 'dead'? you ask.  Do we find people hanging out with zombies?  Well, kind of.  They are hanging out with spiritually dead people, to be sure, but more often than not, it refers to unclean spirits.  So, we can understand that by living foolishly and joining the wicked in their evil deeds we are opening spiritual doors for unclean evil spirits to enter our lives, and we end up being "in the company of the dead."  The way Scripture talks about it most often is through the committing of adultery and sexual sin. 
Proverbs 2:18)
An adulteress' house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead.
Proverbs 9:17-18)
"Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!" But little do they know that the dead are there, that her (the adulteress') guests are in the depths of the grave.

Over the years I have entered many houses and seen unclean spirits present.  The two most common reasons for their presences is by the sin of adultery and sorcery/witchcraft (Harry Potter books are the number one culprit).  Let me tell you, the adulterer's house looks in the spirit realm just like it says in Scripture---there are many unclean spirits there, sitting or walking or what have you like a regular group of houseguests.  In fact, sometimes these people unknowingly fill their house with chairs for people to sit on, even if they live alone.  They have no idea that in just about every seat is an unclean spirit trying to exert their wicked influence on the person living there. 

So, today's word from Proverbs helps us to understand the very real dangers of committing sins like adultery.  Though your spouse may never know what you've been up to, you cannot outrun the reality of how sin opens the door to the demonic realm.  And if you open the door for the enemy, he will come in, and bring his friends, too, if possible.  That is why so many married couples do not recover from a spouses' infidelity---those unclean spirits will live there and continue to cause trouble until they are ousted by the power and grace of God.  Thank God for His mercy on us!    

It is my sincere objective to help educate Christians and to get them to avoid or repent of sin by using the spiritual gifts God has given me.  By seeing into the spirit realm, a prophetic seer's gift, if you will, I can tell you that many people are deceived into thinking that sin has no consequences and that the demonic realm doesn't exist.  But that is not true!  It's as real as what our eyes see in the natural physical realm.  But God's power and grace triumphs over our sins--we can and should repent and completely turn away from our sin, and we will be set free by the blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I encourage you today to repent of the sin of adultery if you have committed it, and to ask Jesus Christ to drive out all the unclean spirits from your life, marriage, and home.  You must know that they entered when the sin was committed.  Then, ask Jesus Christ to close those spiritual doors to Hell that have been opened by your sin and to fill you with His healing Spirit.  Our Lord is loving and forgiving to those who humbly repent.  God is faithful to do all that you ask according to His will, in the name of Jesus Christ, His Son.  Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.    


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