God's Radiant Beams of Salvation

Today while praying I saw a vision of a person standing on a snowy, blowy mountain top. And even though the cold wind blew against them at the peak and they stood knee-deep in snow, they were happy and comforted to finally be above the crest of the mountain top, out of the mountain's shadowy side to feel the sun's warming light on their face. It was a kiss on the cheek from God. A sign that everything would end up being OK after all.
It's kind of like that in life, too. As we climb up to the "Rock that is higher than us", we are met with stronger winds and cooler temperatures quite often, not at all like the foothills of the "Sound of Music." Still, it's safer to live in the high perches of righteous living then in the low coastal regions on beaches of debauchery, so to speak. But no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, when you are fatigued and weary you are vulnerable and the true test is what you do during that time. Do you complain, question God and fall back further, or do you continue to push on in a good direction, trusting in God to get you through?
We all know the latter response is the correct one, but the truth is, many of us end up choosing the former....especially when the journey seems more like purposeless wandering in a fruitless land, or treading water with your head just above the surface with no land in sight. Maybe I've just described your entire 2013, or longer, but there is good news! The light of God is dawning above the crest of the mountain. Even if you've resorted to complaining and made a few sinful decisions in your negative state, God will respond to a repentant heart and humble petition with His saving grace.
Remember the story in Exodus 17. The Israelites were wandering along and complaining of their thirst to Moses, even beginning to question God's presence among them. Well, the Lord provided water for their thirst, but then allowed a band of Amalekites to attack the stragglers and most weak of Israel. Only with Moses' uplifted hands petitioning the Lord did they defeat the wickedly opportunistic Amalekites. It seems the Amalekites always come when we allow weariness to cloud our faith in God! In fact, an Amalekite spirit looks to prey upon the weak--widows and children first, then, those weakened by sinful choices. But by petitioning God and humbling ourselves before Him, we are saved.
"The arrogant are attacking me, O God; a band of ruthless men seeks my life--men without regard for You. But You, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to me and have mercy on me; grant strength to Your servant and save the son of Your maidservant. Give me a sign of Your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for You, O Lord, have helped me and comforted me." Psalm 86:14-17.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.