Stepping Out to Walk on Waves

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word is one of encouragement for those the Lord is calling to 'step out of the boat' this year and begin a teaching, preaching, or healing type of ministry.  The word came in a dream, then was accompanied by Psalms 11 & 17.

In the first part of the dream I saw a person talking to a small group of mostly children and their parents in a church sanctuary.  It was an informal "healing service" at a church that was just opening up to the idea of that kind of service.  Equally as green was the speaker, who had been called by God to go out and preach and heal, but up to that point hadn't publicly done so.  As the speaker's voice trembled from nerves and stumbled over words on occasion, the parents in the crowd became critical and unbelieving and started to talk amongst themselves.  Their arrogance was revealed as they thought the meeting was a bunch of hooey coming from some flake who couldn't even speak right. 

Well, they were terribly distracting for this new speaker, who fought being annoyed at them, and she continued on through hoping God would do something to make the parents quiet down.  When it came time to pray for the people, the small group made two rows, kids up front, parents behind them.  Then the power of God came on mightily!  As the newbie speaker was praying for each child individually, the child would almost shoot up into the air and propel backward.  The speaker thanked God for His powerful presence, but the parents remained uninterested and doubting, almost mocking under their breath.  The speaker finally said to them, "Wow--I'm amazed you guys remain so disinterested, look at what is happening to your kids."  A man with a black beard mocked, "Why?  What do you think will happen to us?"  "I don't know--I'm curious to find out," the speaker said shrugging her shoulders.  Maybe nothing at all, which would be the worst case, she thought.  I can think of nothing worse than to have the Lord just pass right on by...

The next meeting was altogether different.  The speaker did not let the first experience deter her or sour her attitude about serving God.  She simply pushed on, doing what she felt led to do, and God showed up even more powerfully this time.  Gaining more experience and confidence in the Lord, the speaker was more relaxed and simply let God have His way there.  Amazing healings and deliverances and people giving their lives to Jesus resulted.  Amen!

Obviously, the Lord is giving us encouragement today.  Psalms 11 & 17 are petitions to the Lord for defeat over our enemies, both spiritual and in the natural.  We must be resigned to push on through, even when stepping out for God may mean that enemies of the Holy Spirit will come to doubt, mock and discourage us from continuing on.  I discern that this year the Lord will open many doors in mainstream churches to host "healing services" where they never had been supportive of those types of ministries before.  And guess what?  These speakers may be plowing hard ground at times, running into rocks and stones in the soil that the Lord will need to set aside and deal with in His way.  But we will trust in the Lord and let Him guide our steps.  Our Heavenly Father will refresh us with His joy, supply us with His provision and words, and strengthen us with His wisdom and grace.  He will teach us to walk in the authority of Jesus Christ as we preach, teach, heal and prophesy in His name.  We are overcomers in Christ Jesus---not by turning to our own strength for retaliation, or our own talents to cleverly outwit, or to our personality to impress, or anything else we are tempted to rely on to defeat our enemies.  God alone will show up on the scene and have His way, whether people believe or not, accept Him or not. 

The fact is, some of the speakers to step out this year will be the most unlikely of people to be called by God---and that may be part of the arrogance of doubtful listeners!  They are used to following the 'cult of personality' types--the polished, good-looking speakers, telling them what they want to hear in the way they are used to hearing it.  But be careful how you listen!  God is done with the horse and pony show, didn't you know?  This year the Lord will send out a fleet of truly humble servants, war-tested, but fragile warriors, who may be criticized like the Apostle Paul was--"in his letters he's strong, but in person, he's not much..."

Fear not, servants of God--the Lord will move powerfully in your midst.  Remain steadfast and trust in Him.  God is up to something amazing--just enjoy the ride!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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