A Lament and Funeral Song

 Greetings in the Lord~

Well, I wish I had a more positive prophetic word to give, but alas, I can only share what the Lord gives me to share.  Today's word comes from Ezekiel 19, and like I just said, it is not the most pleasant to read, for chapter 19 is a funeral song for the end of Israel's leader, and more importantly, a lament for the suspension of a covenant made by God with His people.  Now, before you run away with that and think God is done with the United States, that is not the case!  No, for this funeral song is a lament for what it has become and the measures needed now to uproot the wickedness in leadership all throughout the land.  It is another word decreeing judgment on this current illegitimate administration and for Biden specifically.  And why is judgment being decreed for leadership?  Mainly, because they brought it on themselves with all their greedy, deceptive and violent ways.  They sought to attain "power" through corrupt means, making laws that benefit only themselves, lie continuously and deny justice whenever and wherever it is deserved.  These behaviors have become so audacious and despicable in God's eyes that they have incurred His wrath.    

It begins in Ezekiel 19:1 referring to the "princes" of Israel.  Well, this title alone is very telling, as God does not even refer to them as "kings"; that is, He does not recognize their legitimacy as rulers and it expresses His rejection of them in those positions.  Historically, it was only by God's covenant that a person from the line of David would rule anyway, and here we see God suspending His covenant by issuing judgment against those rulers and by bringing the autonomous state of Israel to an end by the invasion of Babylon.  That event is a cause for a lament for sure!  But even for us today, we must acknowledge that no one is put in a leadership position unless God allows it to happen, even if it was by illegitimate means.  In our case, I believe it was to reveal the depth of depravity of this administration and decision-makers of other industries and to give us a glimpse of the wickedness that would come by following the evil ideas and agendas they propagate.  And likewise, from Israel's history, there is more evil to come, in that, there was the rise of the evil Queen Athaliah in Jerusalem, the daughter of Jezebel, who stole the throne by murdering her grandchildren, the rightful heirs to the throne.  For not only has this administration come to power by cheating in the national election, but when Biden is gone, a vengeful female lies waiting in the wings to swoop in and push an even more radical (antichrist) agenda.  At least, that was gist of the prophetic word I gave back in the summer of 2018.  And as it appears now, that could very well be a reality unless the hand of God intervenes.  

So today, we can truly begin to understand the lament given in Ezekiel 19, a funeral song for the end of righteous rule, and we can begin to pray and call on God Almighty to intervene in our serious and unfortunate circumstances in the U.S.  The world will rejoice with us when God moves to avenge the injustices done in our land, but until then, there are storms and harsh persecutions and judgements to endure that will uproot the fruit of ungodliness that is so prevalent in our land now.  That is what Ezekiel 19:14 talks about:  "A fire has burst out from its branches and devoured its fruit.  Its remaining limbs are not strong enough to be a ruler's scepter."  The "fire" is from within, or, as a result of their own corrupt doings.  In other words, they will destroy all the "fruit" by their own hands, their own actions and greed, and become so weak that they will no longer have power to rule.  That's basically what happened to Queen Athaliah anyway, she was cut down and removed after a period of time and the proper heir was put on the throne...and the people rejoiced!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.          


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