Global Marketplace Facelift

Greetings in the Lord!

Earlier this year, during the summer (July), the Lord started talking to me about jobs overseas for Americans--in that, He was sending us abroad to work. I posted a word during that time about the many industries across the board that would go: teachers, fishermen, auto industry workers, computer technologists, even those in the parks and recreation industries and social sciences, in addition to the usual industries of oil, banking/investments, military & contractors, and so on.

And having been sent overseas myself for 2010 (S. Korea), I have been able to be a witness to this influx of US workers making that move and been able to talk with some higher-ups within many of these industries about why they are moving overseas and the opportunities there. Basically, I am told it is just simple economics--it is cheaper to do business and production overseas. But hold the phone....I also have been privy to hearing their challenges and struggles within the global market, in that, there is a shortage of English-speaking, highly trained work force in the local global areas they move to and the clash of cultures that often occur.

So, this is what the Lord says: "Go! US Americans are that English-speaking, highly trained work force that is desired in many industries around the globe. I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you and you will bring prosperity to the nations I send you."

But did you know that God has a plan bigger than us? Yep, it's true. His ways are not our ways. Let me share with you what else He has been saying regarding this subject of US Americans going overseas to work:

1) Justice will go out to the nations in these industries as Americans bring a better understanding of right and wrong to some nations that are in desperate need of business practice reform. Americans will be the tool the Lord will use to bring the fight for justice in social matters as well in those places.

2) The freedom to be creative will also accompany these US workers as those nations who hire us for our skills and ability will also be importing our unhindered creative spirits. We bring a learned sense of philanthropy and good will to our creativeness that will enable nations to help invent new ways to meet the needs of their own country--ideas that were never considered before because of wicked and greedy leadership and oppressive cultural mindsets.

3) American workers will bring smiles to the downtrodden, laughter to the workplaces, and a mentality of teamwork not found in many business/social/educational global environments. Even whistling on the job is unusual in some countries because oppressive mindsets have set in that taunt, "You are so lazy and have nothing to do but whistle?" No, Americans will laugh if they are tickled and whistle if they are enjoying themselves on the job; they will share joy in the workplace.

Lastly, it is important to note that these American workers are not perfect, in fact, many of them may not even know they are being used by God for His purposes in these nations! Funny, huh? It's a simple issue of God accomplishing multiple tasks with every step He wills: US Americans bringing what is lacking to countries that need what they have to offer, and these countries working humility and maturity in the US people by presenting us the challenges and trials we need to grow up. Kind of lovely, isn't it?

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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