The Coming Caravan of Calamity

 Greetings in the Lord,

One of the things we read about in the news these days is the FBI giving us warnings of possible security threats in the U.S. from extremists who sympathize with Hamas.  The FBI doesn't give specifics, of course, but cites the obvious--thousands of illegal immigrants are pouring into our country every day without any oversight or knowledge about who they are or where they are going.  Indeed, this lack of good judgment and poor government policy is setting us up for all sorts of problems.  

But prophetically speaking, we can know disaster and calamity is not as random as one would think.  In fact, the Lord gives us warnings of His judgments before these things hit the fan:  "The Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets."  Amos 3:7

Now, God's judgments are different than incidents carried out by spontaneous human will, but that is another discussion about, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" which I will not cover today. Instead, today's word talks about the connection between sin and God's judgment, in that, nations, cities, and even individuals can make themselves susceptible to God's judgments by pursuing wickedness and rejecting God's Word.  And after a period of time of giving warnings through His people and time to repent from allowing certain pervasive sins to rule a city, for example, we cannot complain or be surprised about God bringing judgment to that area by allowing a disaster or calamity or attack to happen.      

So, having said that, this week the Lord has put Amos 2-3 on my heart.  Both of these chapters talk about His judgments being meted out to wicked people who broadly engage in four types of sins: using violence or abusing their power to oppress vulnerable people, then profiting from their disadvantaged state (i.e. human trafficking); delighting in the demise of others; gaining wealth by thievery; and, worshiping false gods.  Actually, in reading Amos 2 specifically, I am grieved by the depravity of these sins, as I understand that this passage isn't referring just to common criminals, but rather, that some U.S. cities are run substantially by this kind of corrupt leadership in many sectors: politically, judicially, economically and in law enforcement.  These corrupt leaders not only enable, but benefit from criminal enterprises like human trafficking, and also from imposing exorbitant land and commodity prices, stealing federal and state funds, and so on.  In a nutshell, it is an abuse of power and stealing from the people their right to pursue the liberty and happiness and the means to live and prosper on this great land we share.  

I also had a vision to accompany this prophetic word.  I saw a caravan traveling down a road in the desert with dusty mountains off in the distance.  It seemed traveling along this road with many illegal immigrants were angels being sent to execute God's judgments in those cities/area.  My first thought was of Las Vegas and Phoenix area, but it could extend to parts of California as well.  Anyway, it seems that God's judgments are focusing on areas where city governments and businesses are exploiting and benefitting from the taking advantage of others in a violent way, like human trafficking, and by the stealing of land and economic opportunity by abusing their power politically, judicially, or otherwise.  

So today, like always, we pray that the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; that His hand of judgment will accomplish all that He intends to do to bring life, truth and freedom back to an area; and that all the wicked who enable and push an agenda of economic and physical oppression for their own financial benefit, especially those involved in human trafficking, will be laid low and held responsible for their crimes.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


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