Like a Snowstorm on Mount Zalmon

 Greetings in the Lord~

Well, it's an exciting time to watch the fireworks in the U.S., and by that I mean, the season of political and high profile exposures that we are in.  Today's word is again from Amos 6 and I'll tell ya what, it's gonna get more interesting as the months go by!  All those corrupt elites who care nothing for the ruin of the U.S., but who sit around smugly in their mansions, eating the best of foods and delighting themselves with luxurious comforts -- paid for by shady deals, favors, oppression and outright thievery -- well, God has your number.  And that's not even the lowest of the low depths elites have sunk to to indulge themselves and 'move up the ranks' and take their seats in boardrooms and special counsels and to be privy to dark schemes and evil secrets.  Nope, it's pretty dark where these folks have tread, where dirty deeds is their hall pass and blackmail the code of secrecy they adhere to.  Well friends, get ready for some truth to hit the fan.  Blackmail information is not a protection, it is an indictment when God shines His light on the subject!     

Amos 6 talks about this kind of corrupt leadership within a society and God's decree against it.  The outright arrogance, lies, corruption and greed prevalent at the national and state level in the U.S. will be dealt with, as what they have sown they will reap.  The chapter in Amos even talks about the Lord allowing an "invasion" of sorts to afflict the land, but I cannot discern at this time what kind of invasion that will be (foreign enemies, economic, plagues/natural disaster, etc.), but one thing is for certain -- exposure will happen and people will be removed from their positions.

Even as I write this, I am watching big fluffy snowflakes fall to the ground and it reminds me of Psalm 68:14--The Almighty scattered the enemy kings like a blowing snowstorm on Mount Zalmon.  Yep, it would not surprise me at all if we have freak snow storms well into May and June in some places this year -- places where God is bringing justice, correction and exposure and the like.  For He also leads me to read Exodus 19 today.

In that chapter, the Lord not only meets with Moses on Mount Sinai, but He also wants to meet with the Israelites, albeit at a distance.  In fact, the Lord sets up a boundary around the mountain that cannot be crossed by any person except Moses and later, Aaron, for God was showing them His power, glory, and awesomeness through the smoke, thunder and lightening on the mountain.  The Almighty wanted them to know He is all-powerful and Sovereign over all things, and nothing like the dead, lifeless idols they had grown used to seeing in Egypt.  So we can understand that we are in a time and season of mighty demonstrations of the Lord, both in events and in nature, as these will become signs and hallmarks of His Presence.  The wicked will get what they deserve while the righteous will rejoice in His goodness and justice.  How cool is that?

So today I pray, let the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven; open the eyes of our hearts to see You Lord, and fill our mouths with joyous praise as we watch You avenge the injustices that have been done in the land.  Amen!

Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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