Plea Like Abraham

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Genesis 18, a story about Abraham being visited by the Lord and 2 angels. Of course, they came to Abraham looking like 3 men, but Abraham discerned and recognized them right away as the divine and rushed about to wait on them hand and foot. It's hard to imagine that scenario most likely, but suffice to say that it does happen and we are encouraged in the New Testament to extend hospitality to all because we may not know when we are entertaining angels.

Anyway, after Abraham had fed and refreshed his visitors the Lord told Abraham that he and Sarah would be having a baby in a year. Now that's a very shocking announcement given their advanced age and Sarah couldn't help but to laugh in disbelief...and is called out by God. Is anything too hard for God?

After eating, the men get up to leave and Abraham walked with them to see them on their way. It was then that the Lord shared with Abraham His intention of destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. As the men walked on to check out the cities, Abraham stood before the Lord and pleaded with him to spare the cities for the sake of 45, 40, 30, 20 or if just 10 righteous people were to be found living there. Abraham was probably interceding on behalf of Lot and his family, as he knew they lived in Sodom.
So the Lord said, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it."

So what is the word for today? The word is that we must prayerfully intercede on behalf of God's holy people everywhere, that He would lead them to safety and be their refuge as more judgements are to be poured out during this time. Pray that God would provide a way out for His people and that they would follow Him obediently to the place that He has prepared for them to be. Pray that God's people would not be resistant to His leading or look back in longing to those things that the Lord has determined to uproot and overthrow in our midst and our lives so that His perfect will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We have to trust the work the Lord is doing is perfect in every way and that mercy triumphs over judgement. God ultimately has a good plan in store and His ways are higher than our ways. Lord, help us to recognize Your presence and to get up quickly to wait upon You, to welcome You into our homes and hearts and hearken our ears to Your voice.
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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