Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin -- Daniel Tell It

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word is from Daniel 5, and like the story goes -- the writing is on the wall for some folks.  I've already written that we are in a season of exposures and removals from office, and this is another word confirming that, but this is specifically for Biden (and other high ranking decision-makers).  

In this chapter, we read about the son of Nabonidus, Belshazzar, throwing a big party.  His father is the king of Babylon, but he is the co-king, so this is a grand affair.  At one point, he calls for the golden cups -- taken from the Temple in Jerusalem, to be brought in so they can drink out of them.  Well, this ends up being his final act of arrogance towards God.  While they are drinking and making toasts to their gods with these cups, a hand supernaturally appears to write some words on the wall near the lamp where they can all see it.  It writes: MENE, MENE; TEKEL, PARSIN.  Though they can most likely read the Aramaic words, no one knows the significance of them, not even the "wise men" of the court who are called in to interpret it.

It's then that the older Queen Mother, who lived during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar, told King Belshazzar of the wise Daniel, the exiled Israelite made famous during Nebuchadnezzar's reign.  If anyone would be able to read and interpret the mysterious writing, it was this Daniel, she maintained.  Well, we know the story.  Daniel came in and basically rebuked the young king for not learning the lesson of King Nebuchadnezzar -- arrogance against God will get you into deep trouble!  Belshazzar knew well the tale: though he was the most powerful king to ever live, King Neb was also removed by God for 7 years and forced to live like an animal until he acknowledged that God is Sovereign over all the earth.  Yet now, Belshazzar was acting far more arrogant!    

So Daniel continued by reading the writing on the wall and giving him the meaning -- MENE : Your days are "numbered," friend.  TEKEL: you've been "weighed" on a scale and not measured up.  PARSIN: your kingdom is "divided" and given to others.  Historically speaking, we know that Babylon was invaded that night and overtaken by the Medes and Persians, and that Belshazzar perished.  Grim for him, but that was his fate as written on the wall.

So today, we can understand that events are going to change very quickly in the U.S. and that Biden's days in the hot seat are numbered as well.  The Lord raises kings up, and deposes others as He sees fit -- so be it.  However, the lesson is the same for all of us -- arrogance towards God will get you into deep trouble.  So, it is good to pray for the Bidens and our country during this time, as things are going to get a little bumpy, but take refuge in Him and we will come out OK in the long run.  Transitions are hard at times, but putting your trust in God is a sure bet.  The Lord will take care of us.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.    


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