The Willingness to Hear the Horn of Deborah!

Greetings in Christ!

Today's scripture is from Judges 5, the song of Deborah.
V.8) "When they chose new gods, war came to the city gates, and not a shield or spear was seen among forty thousand in Israel." And so it is in America: we are a completely idolatrous culture without a care; lying on our soft beds at night and leather chairs in the day. We have no idea how to fight against the enemy and his tricks: materialism, arrogance, promiscuity, humanistic ideas, and 'political correctness.' We promote theologies of divison and judging others, while we preach unbalanced theologies on prosperity and grace which nullifies the power of Christ with unbelief, apathy, and idleness. But the Lord says some of us are blessed because of one thing: willingness!
V. 9) "My heart is with Israel's princes, with the willing volunteers among the people. Praise the Lord!" It is our willingness to be guided into action by the Holy Spirit. To lay down our lives and take up His cross. To hear the battle horn being blown at this very hour and pray as you are led, praise Him as song wells up in your spirit, to weep as intercessory burdens are being laid upon you, to believe that He can and will heal and deliver the oppressed if we'll step out in faith, and rejoice when His glory and victory crowns our heads and answers our petitions. We must not be afraid or lazy in confronting the misguided and rebellious with the gospel of Truth as we are led to do so.

At this time, it is no small affair to continue with "life as usual," says the Lord. V. 23) "Curse Meroz," said the angel of the Lord. "Curse its people bitterly, because they did not come to help the Lord, to help the Lord against the mighty." And how will we defeat our enemies? Let's learn from Jael, a simple 'housewife,' in how she defeated Sisera, Israel's mighty enemy.
V. 25-26) "He (Sisera) asked for water, and she gave him milk; in a bowl fit for nobles she brought him curdled milk. Her hand reached for the tent peg, her right hand for the workman's hammer. She struck Sisera, she crushed his head, she shattered and pierced his temple."
V. 31) "So may all your enemies perish, O Lord! But may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength." Then the land had peace for forty years.

So see, there is a time for peace, but there is a time for war, too. Our battle, O faithful, is not in Iraq; rather, our enemy the devil has lured us to worship many other gods within our country to weaken our faith, to usher in physical enemies to surround and mock us, waiting for the opportunity to strike here at our city gates. We are being called like Jael to rise up in our private dwellings, in the inner places of our hearts and meet the enemy head on and crush its influence in our lives and in our nation as a whole. Then, God will grant us victory over our enemies as they gather at the gates of our lives, of our houses/families, and of our cities. Amen and amen.


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