Sweeping Winds of Change

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word is a sobering one, and many may prefer not to read such directness from the Lord. But alas, the season we are entering is one of intensifying extremes, light getting brighter and darkness getting darker. And how does this occur? From a changing of circumstances, that's how. This morning I was praying and began to have a vision. I was seeing a sky full of dark storm clouds and thick white clouds. The wind was blowing so hard, I thought at first there must be spiritual fighting going on in the heavens. Instead, a voice said to me, "Judgment is coming like that which you've never seen before." In an instant I saw the wind blow so hard that it flattened the houses and trees on the land and blew it bare. As I was wondering about that, a chariot appeared, and the driver of the chariot extended his hand to me and said, "Do you want to come along?" I said, "Yes," and in an instant we began to fly up into the windstorm in the sky. The wind was blowing against me so hard I was afraid I was going to fly out of the chariot. The driver said to me, "Do you want to see more?" and I said "Yes."

Then I saw molten lava bubbling from deep within the earth. It was so hot and liquified; the heat and pressure was making all the land masses around the Pacific Ocean float up and down like rubber rafts on the sea. Off the coast of California I saw a huge crack open up and water rushed into it. Lastly, I saw a cornerwall of an ancient building in Israel and began to pray that the Jews would have their eyes opened to see and come to know Jesus.

After seeing all of this I do what I normally do and opened my Bible for the Lord to confirm what I just saw in vision. I turned to Jeremiah 4:10-28, of which I will share selected verses~

"...At that time this people and Jerusalem will be told, "A scorching wind from the barren heights in the desert blows toward my people, but not to winnow or cleanse; a wind too strong for that comes from me. Now I pronounce my judgments against them."
"Look! He advances like the clouds, his chariots come like a whirlwind, his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us! We are ruined! O Jerusalem, wash the evil from your heart and be saved. How long will you harbor wicked thoughts?...Tell this to the nations, proclaim it to Jerusalem: 'A besieging army is coming from a distant land, raising a war cry against the cities of Judah'...."Your own conduct and actions have brought this upon you....My people are fools; they do not know me. They are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good."....I looked at the mountains, and they were quaking; all the hills were swaying....I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert; all its towns lay in ruins before the Lord, before his fierce anger. This is what the Lord says: "The whole land will be ruined, though I will not destroy it completely. Therefore the earth will mourn and the heavens above grow dark, because I have spoken and will not relent, I have decided and will not turn back."

~I discern that just as we saw a sweeping change happen in our political arena recently, so the Lord has determined that it is time for His change to sweep through our country and lands. Do you think that those who cry for "Peace! Peace!" know the will of the Father? "Then I said, "Ah, Sovereign Lord, how completely you have deceived this people and Jerusalem by saying, 'You will have peace,' when the sword is at our throats." (Verse 10). What does that verse mean? It means the Lord has allowed false prophets (the media, press, etc.) to deceive people into thinking we can have peace by changing political leaders and policy, without really discerning the will of the Father. In addition, there was an opportunity to overturn legalized abortion in the state of South Dakota in this last election and that too, went in the direction of sinful thinking and not according to the heart of the Father. Many wanted a sweeping change in this country, the Lord is going to give us just that. And what shall we do? Follow in His paths, and mercy and goodness will follow you. The wise man built his house upon the Rock, and when the rains came, his house stood firm.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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